Current Version ( Released: 12/17/2024
Contact Support for previous versions of On-Screen Takeoff.
If your licenses supports 3.98, you must install this Current Version, all other versions of 3.98 have been deprecated.
If the Download button doesn't work for you, use this link:
If you receive an install error using the EXE or your IT department requires the MSI installer, use this link:
Please review the System Requirements and Installation Instructions while your product is downloading.
If you are not a System Administrator and/or if your company uses a shared SQL database, contact your IT Department before installing any update.
Please review these important articles before installing a new version of On-Screen Takeoff:
Getting Started
Looking for Release Notes? The User Guide? Training Videos?
Whether your new to On-Screen Takeoff or just want to brush up on your skills, all the resources you'll need to get started can be found here:
Getting Started with On-Screen Takeoff
You can find your current license in the Customer Portal (MyAccount) (this is a shared portal for On Center, PlanSwift, and ConstructConnect Takeoff customers), see: What is MyAccount? for more information.
If you don't have access to the Customer Portal (MyAccount), contact your manager or your company's accounting or IT department.
Review Licensing for details on activating your license.
- On Center Software recommends that you check with your network administrator or IT department before downloading and installing any updates. Once installed, any database(s) accessed in this version cannot be accessed by users of prior versions.
- Backup your databases before installing this product.
- Users of SQL databases must advise their SQL Administrator before installing this upgrade - only an SQL "dbowner" can upgrade SQL databases.
- If you use a license manager to activate your product, check with your Systems Administrator before installing this upgrade to ensure they have activated a version appropriate license on the server.
- After installing this program, you will need to Activate Your License by clicking File > Check Authorization... and enter your new license information. For assistance activating your license, see the Related articles.
- Be sure to check our Frequently Asked Questions for answers to common questions.
Previous Versions
Looking for an older version of On-Screen Takeoff? See: On-Screen Takeoff/Digital Production Control Previous Versions
Terms of Use
© 2024 On Center Software, Inc. (a ConstructConnect company) All rights reserved. The information in this site is protected by copyright by On Center Software, Inc., a ConstructConnect Company ("the Company"). You may not reproduce, adapt, or publish any content from this site in whole or in part for any purpose, without the express written consent of the Company. Without obtaining prior, express, written permission from the Company, you may not retransmit any files from this web site, or make any modified versions thereof.
End User License Agreement (EULA)
Click here to view a copy of our End User License Agreement> - use of the application implies acceptance of and agreement to the EULA and any successors. If that pop-up is blocked, just enter the following URL into your browser:
On Center Software by ConstructConnect, the On Center Software by ConstructConnect logo, Contractor Suite, Digital Production Control, Quick Bid, On-Screen Takeoff, and Project Express are registered trademarks, trademarks, or service marks of On Center Software by ConstructConnect. Windows, Excel, and Word, and other products are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.