Bid Markups come in three varieties in Quick Bid: Section Markups (sometimes called just Markups), Indirect Expenses and Additional Markups. At the bid level, all of these markups are created in the Markups tab. Section Markups and Indirect Expenses can be modified in the Markup Details dialog box. Additional Markups are configured on the Markups tab.
Section Markups refer to overhead, profit, tax, burden and escalation applied to each section used in the bid. They are applied to Material, Labor, Equipment and Other costs AFTER Indirect Expenses are applied.
Indirect Expenses refer to expenses related to Stock, Clean, Supervision and Per Diem. Each indirect expense category has its own dialog in which you are able to add and modify the figures related to each expense.
Additional Markups generally refer to fees and charges applied to bid totals. Additional Markups are sometimes referred to as bid markups. In Quick Bid, however, the term Additional Markup is used.
The Markup Detail dialog, View options: area allows you to choose how you wish to view Indirect Expenses. The two options listed in View options: are Select all bid sections and Include accepted alternate sections. The default is to have neither of these selected so you will see only one bid section at a time (07450 in the example below).
Once the view option is selected, you will be able to track the type of view you are in by noting the header of the Markup Details or Indirect Expense dialog such as 07450 in the example above or All bid section, below.
In the View options: area located at the top of the Markup Detail dialog, you can choose to Select all bids sections, Include accepted alternate sections, both or neither.
Neither option checked
The default view option is to view only the selected bid section. You will have neither Select all bid sections nor Include accepted alternate sections selected. If neither of these two options is selected, the dialog will only show information for that the one bid section. The dialog will be labeled with the title of that particular bid section.
Select all bid sections
The pricing information reflect the combined totals for all the sections.
The Indirect Expenses buttons (Stock, Clean, Supervision and Per Diem) will still be accessible unless you have Accepted Alternates in your bid. Accessing the an Indirect Expense when Select all bid sections is chosen will zero out all existing, per-section Indirect Expenses in favor of the override values.
Include accepted alternate sections
When you select Include accepted alternate sections, the pricing information displayed will be from the current section of the base bid plus all accepted alternates.
The Indirect Expenses buttons will not be accessible.
Viewing All Sections and Accepted Alternates
You can also select both View options to view all section and all accepted alternates. Information from all of the sections along with all accepted alternates will now be visible in the Markup Detail dialog.
The Indirect Expenses buttons will still be accessible unless you have Accepted Alternates in your bid. Accessing the an Indirect Expense when Select all bid sections is chosen will zero out all existing, per-section Indirect Expenses in favor of the override values.
Anytime you Select all bid sections you will be viewing and updating all sections in the current bid. If you attempt to edit Indirect Expenses, you will receive a notice telling you that all individual section settings will be lost (zeroed out) if you click YES in the notice dialog and click OK in the Indirect Expense dialog box. You can return to the Markups Detail dialog without any changes being saved if you click Cancel in the Indirect Expense dialog and click NO when it asks you if you wish to save changes. Changes made to Section Markups on the Markups Details will overwrite 'per-section' Markups. If you are in Section Mode (default option), updates will only be made to that one section.