Additional Markups generally refer to fees and charges applied to bid totals. Additional Markups are sometimes referred to as Bid Markups. In Quick Bid, however, the term Additional Markup is used. You can include anything you like here. Many estimators enter special fees, insurance, bond expensed, etc. as Additional Markups.
Creating and Adjusting Additional Markups
the Markups tab, click .
The Configure
Additional Markups dialog appears.
Enter a Description for your markup. You can call it whatever you like.
Enter a Method or click the arrow to select from a list.
Amount adds a specific amount to your bid total.
Cost Per Thousand adds an amount to every 1000 dollars of your Apply To field.
Percent adds a percentage to your bid total based on your Apply To field.
Subtotal creates a subtotal entry at the Markups tab that totals all costs listed before it.
Enter an Apply To (result) or click the arrow to select from a list.
Enter a Value.
Click to return to the Markups
tab window, or click
to add another additional markup. You
can add as many additional markups as you like to your bid.
To apply all of your Additional Markups to
a bid, click in the Configure
Additional Markups dialog. All of the markups
will be applied to your bid.
To use default settings and not the additional
markups, click and none of your additional markups will be applied
to your bid.
To save your additional markups configurations
as defaults click .
Once saved as a Default, Additional Markups cannot be removed from the database and are applied to all future bids. You can, however, remove them once they are inserted into a new bid.
If you are a self performing contractor and you have entered Subcontractors to your bid, your markup or profit on subcontractors must be added in the Configure Bid Totals grid. Likewise, if you are a general contractor, your fees or profit are entered there and would apply to all your bid costs.