An Item is anything related to labor or material. Thus, a piece of plywood can be an item, and the labor it takes to install that plywood can be an item. Both the Material and Labor may be included in one item or separated into two items, depending on how you choose to price your bids. New Items can be created directly from the Master menu or on the bid Condition Detail. When you create a new item, it is saved in the Master Items list and can be used for other bids, even if create the Item from the bid Condition Detail. You can create a new item from scratch although we recommend that you duplicate an existing item and modify it as this is the quickest and easiest way to build Items.
When adding new material and labor Items to your Master list, you may duplicate an existing record then modify it or construct the Item Detail from scratch. To duplicate an Item at the Master Items List, select the Item you want to duplicate.
button, right-click and select Duplicate
Item, or press Ctrl D from
the keyboard.
An exact copy of the original will be automatically duplicated into the Items List (Master). Since each record must have a unique code, the Item Code will be slightly altered with an underscore mark and the number 1 added to the original code (PR becomes PR_1 when duplicated).
Change the Item Code.
Modify the Description (name) of the item.
Enter a current Price for the new item.
create a new Item, from the Master menu, click Items or
On any Condition Detail dialog,
click the Lookup tool in the Item field.
The Items List dialog appears.
The Item Detail
(Master) dialog appears.
The Item Detail that appears is the Master level Item Detail. Master Item Details will have Item Detail (Master) in the upper left corner, Bid Item Detail will have Item Detail for (the particular bid you are in). See Item Detail - Overview for information on differentiating between Bid and Master Level items.
Enter all of the information you need in the Item Detail. Under the General tab you must enter a Code, Description and Mat. Cost Code. Under the Calculation tab you must enter a Section and Lab. Cost Code. Under the Labor Pricing tab, you must enter Installer and Crew. You will get warning dialogs letting you know if you try to exit before inputting all of the required information.
you have entered all of the required information, click to return to the Items
include the new item in your condition, click on it in the Items
List and then click . The Condition
Detail will appear and you will see your new item included.