The Item Detail (Master) contains all the information about a particular item, such as a Cost Code, Labor Cost Code, Material Cost Code, etc. The Item Detail comprises five tabs: General, Calculation, Sizing, Material Pricing and Labor Pricing.
The three fields at the top (Code, Description and UOM) define the basic name of the Item.
Codes are specific and unique to each item. When entered on the Condition Detail, the code will pull all default information for its item. You may use numbers and letters when developing codes. Letters are automatically capitalized by the program. Codes can be named to correspond to your company's existing item abbreviations for ease of reference.
The Item description will typically correspond to terms you usually use in your particular trade or industry. This description will be used on all bid reports and the various screens in the program.
UOM (Units of Measure)
Quick Bid can accommodate both Imperial and Système International (SI)-metric UOMs. When you create a database, you choose which system of measurement to use. All UOM boxes in the database will be based on the system of measurement you choose. See Units of Measurement for information on setting the base UOM for a database.
The UOM is the base measurement used to define quantities throughout the database tables including Bid Reports. The UOM also controls the options available at the Calculation, Sizing and Pricing Tabs, and dictates the data required for the calculations. The UOM is a tag that always accompanies a quantity. If you are building a material record, the UOM will generally correspond with the UOM quoted by your supplier.
An Item record can only hold a single UOM, therefore once you set the UOM to define material quantities, all labor values will carry the same UOM. For example, you may price wall covering by the LY, so the UOM would be set to LY. If labor is attached to the same record, you must price the labor by LY. If you prefer labor priced by the SF rather than LY, you must build a separate Labor only item record using SF as the UOM.
It is important to note that each item has both a database-level/master record, and a bid-level record. That is, each item has both a Master Item Detail and a Bid-Level Item Detail. Modifying an item in the Master Items List will cause those changes to be reflected in all future uses of that item. Modifying items at the bid level affects only the current bid. You can, however, select to have bid-level changes apply to the Master Items List also.
A quick way to tell if you are on the Master Item Detail or the Bid Item Detail is to look at the very top of the Item Detail dialog. If you are in the Master Item Detail, it will read Item Detail (Master). If you are in the Bid Item Detail, it will read Item Detail for (name of your bid). For example, if your bid is called Office Building, the bid Item Detail for any item in that bid will read, Item Detail for Office Building. Making certain you know if you are modifying a Master or Bid Item Detail is important and this tip will help you to keep track of your location in the program.
Bid Level (affects current bid only)
Master Level (affect future bids)
the bottom of the Item Detail, both Database and Bid level you will see two buttons:
. With these buttons you can scroll forward
and backward in the Item list. In the case of bid-level items, you will
only be able to scroll through the items already in use in your bid. The
views for these buttons is persistent. For example,
if you select the Sizing tab, and scroll through
the list, the Sizing tab will remain selected
until you select another tab.
Skip the explanation and start creating a new item