Master Menu Condition Assemblies

A Condition Assembly holds a saved set of material and labor items used to build a condition.  It is like a template of items that you select to fill in your Condition Detail.  You can save any conditions as an assembly.



Condition Assemblies save production values rather than money.  If a labor item is saved with a production rate of 1000SF, the same production will default to all future conditions.  This method assures you that if labor rates are modified, the assemblies automatically update to the new rates (i.e. new labor rate divided by 1000SF = new unit price).


When a condition is saved to an assembly with the original default heights for material items, that assembly may be used for any similar condition regardless of height.  In other words, you can save a wall at 10’ but use the same assembly to build a 14’ wall.  The material quantities will recalculate correctly.  However, labor will default at the same production rates that were originally saved to the assembly. So labor should be readjusted each time an assembly is used in a new condition.


Assemblies remember proportional values for material items that have their quantity method set up as a direct entry.  For instance, a condition may be set up with a quantity of 1000 SF.  A direct entry item such as metal trim is entered and assigned an item quantity of 100 LF.  The assembly will remember that relationship of 1 to 10 and apply that same ratio to future conditions.


More information about Creating and Using Condition Assemblies is found under Conditions, Assemblies and Chained Items - Condition Assemblies

Equipment Assemblies