9.00 About Projects (Bids)


A Project or Bid is another name for a construction job for which a user is doing a quantity survey. It is a collection of all the images and takeoff associated with a job and all Alternates and Change Orders.


There are three ways to create a bid.  


Create a new bid. The most common way to create a project. To create a bid from scratch, pages are added to the Cover Sheet and conditions are created or added on the Image Tab. See Creating a Bid for more information.


Duplicate an existing bid. Some clients have a 'template' bid that is usable as a basis for all jobs they takeoff. Duplicating a bid makes an exact copy of the bid in the database; all pages, conditions and takeoff as well as the Project Name are the same. Only the Bid Number is changed to the next available number in the database, just like a new bid. See Duplicating an Existing Bid for more information.


Import an existing bid. On-Screen Takeoff allows for the export and import of bids from one user to another. For more information about importing a bid, please see Importing Bids.


Creating a Bid