4.03.02 Edit Menu


The Edit menu provides access to basic editing commands.  Most options on the Tools Menu correspond  to a button the one of the Toolbars.






Undo the last takeoff action.  Changes to the database (editing Master tables) cannot be undone with Undo.  


ReDo the last undone action.


Cuts a selected item from its current location for the purpose of pasting it to another location. If used on a bid, MOVES that bid to the new location.


Copies a selected item for the purpose of pasting it to another location.  


Pastes a previously cut or copied item into the selected location.


Creates a duplicate of the selected object and places it in the same location automatically.  Duplications apply to Bids, Conditions, Styles and Style Sets when selected.

Copy Current View

Copies current view as a bitmap for pasting in a different application.  For example, you may paste a copy of your Image View into faxing software for transmission.

Copy Selection

Copies selection made with roping as a bitmap for pasting in a different application.  You must right-click over the selection to copy the bitmap to the Windows clipboard.


Deletes the selected item like bids, conditions, takeoff and Master table entries when selected. Only Takeoff deletions can be 'Undone' although bids are generally moved to the Deleted Bids folder.

Select All

Selects all objects that are in view.

Select Objects in Current Area

Selects all objects that are located in the selected area on the page.

Set Scale

Allows you to set the scale for the current page. It is important that scale is set BEFORE you start doing takeoff.

Calculate Scale

Calculates the scale according to a known measurement between two points on the Image or Drawing.

Rename Page

Allows you to rename the current page you are viewing without going to Cover Sheet to do so.  This is only available when you are on the Image tab.


View Menu