Why Renew Your On-Screen Takeoff, Quick Bid, and Digital Production Control Maintenance Subscription? - DPC OST QB



You received a notice that you your maintenance subscription has expired, what now?

You may receive a notice via e-mail or a pop-up in the application when you tried to use some feature (listed below).

What does this mean?

Maintenance is an annual subscription charged for each seat/license of each On Center product you own. Each year, we email your organization its maintenance invoice, approximately 30-60 days before your subscription expires. Beyond that date, certain services (listed below) will no longer work. You will also not be able to open new Technical Support or "How Do I...?" requests (except for licensing issues). This includes assistance with installing and using the software, troubleshooting issues, and downloading new updates to the software.

Why Renew?

There are many benefits to remaining under a maintenance subscription including:

How Do I Renew My Maintenance Subscription?

Renewing your maintenance is easy, visit https://www.oncenter.com/renew-subscription/ and fill out the form, your friendly Account Manager in Customer Success will get you your renewal invoice right away.