Quick Bid - 04.03.02 Master Items List: Controls and Context Menu - QB
Master Item List Control ButtonsAt the bottom of the Items List dialog box are buttons that help you managed your Item List efficiently. - Columns - you can add additional columns to the grid to see more details about each Item or hide columns you don't need to see (covered in the next article)
- New - opens a blank Item Detail screen where your can build an Item from scratch
- Change - opens the selected (highlighted) Item for editing
- Delete - deletes the selected Item(s) - if they are used in a Condition Assembly, Mixture, or Chain, you must remove them from that object first (see Related Articles for more information on finding where Items are used in your database)
- Print - prints a list of all Items in your database (can be exported from the Print Preview)
- Duplicate - creates an exact copy of the select Item(s) except for the Code
- OK - closes the Items List
Master Items List Context MenuWhen you right-click within the Items List, you are presented with a Context Menu... Option | What it does/How it is used... |
Show Item Detail | Opens the Item Detail dialog box for the selected (highlighted) Item. | Show Item where in use | Opens a dialog where you can see every Condition Assembly, Mixture, or Chain where the selected Item is used. See Related articles for details. | New Item | Opens a blank Item Detail dialog box so you can add an Item from scratch. | Duplicate Item | Creates an exact copy of the select Item(s), adding "_1" to the Item's "Code", which must be unique. | Delete Item | Deletes the selected Item(s). You cannot delete an Item if it is used in any Condition Assembly, Mixture, or Chain (see related articles for information on finding out where an Item is used.). Deleting an Item does not affect any existing Bids. | Modify Existing Item Commands | Update Material Pricing... | Enter a percentage to raise or lower the Material Price for the selected Item(s) or for the filtered Items. This cannot be undone although you can always enter in a negative percentage to return to original values. | Set Material Cost Code | Opens the Cost Codes List, filtered to Material Codes Codes, where you can select a new Material Cost Code for the selected Item(s). Great for mass updating Items if your company changes how it names Cost Codes. | Set Labor Cost Code | Opens the Cost Codes List, filtered to Labor Codes Codes, where you can select a new Labor Cost Code for the selected Item(s). | Set Section | Opens a list of all Divisions/Sections so you can select a new default Section for the selected Item(s). | Set Type | Opens a list of all Item Types so you can select a new Item Type for the selected Item(s). | Set Manufacturer | Opens a list of all Manufacturer so you can select a new Manufacturer for the selected Item(s). Especially handy if your company changes from one preferred manufacturer to another. |
Changing an Item in the Masters does not affect any Bid where the Item is already used (in a Condition) although changes to a Bid-Level Item can be saved to the Masters, if you have sufficient database rights. Changing Master Items does affect other Master records where the Item may be used such as Condition Assemblies or Chains. See Related Articles for more information on Master v. Bid-level Items.