03 Creating and Managing Bids, Alternates, and Change Orders
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On-Screen Takeoff - 03.01 What are Projects, Bids, Jobs? - OST
A Project (or Bid or Job) is another name for a construction job for which… |
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On-Screen Takeoff - 03.02 Creating a Takeoff Project (Bid, Job) - OST
This article covers creating a new Project and filling out its Cover Sheet.… |
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On-Screen Takeoff - 03.03 Filling out the Cover Sheet - Step 1: Bid Information and Preferences - OST
Every Bid, Alternate, and Change Order includes its own Cover Sheet. The Base… |
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On-Screen Takeoff - 03.04 Filling out the Cover Sheet - Step 2: Adding Plans to a Bid Using the Plan Organizer - OST
One of the primary functions of On-Screen Takeoff is viewing project plans… |
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On-Screen Takeoff - 03.05 Adding a Single Page to A Project - OST
Inserting a Blank Page into a Project Version 3.96 and earlier labeled this… |
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On-Screen Takeoff - 03.06 Adding Multiple Pages to Your Project - OST
If you are provided with a folder that includes all the plans for a particular… |
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On-Screen Takeoff - 03.07 Duplicating an Existing Page in Your Project - OST
You can duplicate a Page to make a copy of it, linked to the same image file.… |
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On-Screen Takeoff - 03.08 Use Auto Name to Speed Up Bid Setup - OST
We developed an Auto Name utility that provides fast and accurate results.… |
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On-Screen Takeoff - 03.09 Copying and Pasting Bids from One Database to Another - OST
You can copy bids from one database to another (for example, if your company… |
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On-Screen Takeoff - 03.09.01 Creating Template Jobs - OST
If you regularly bid similar jobs, or if you want to save your Worksheet Tab… |
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On-Screen Takeoff - 03.10 Duplicating Bids Within the Same Database - OST
Sometimes, an existing Bid is close enough to what you need in a new project… |
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On-Screen Takeoff - 03.11 Deleting and Restoring Bids, Alternates, and Change Orders - OST
You can delete Bids, Alternates, and Change Orders to get rid of the stuff… |
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On-Screen Takeoff - 03.12 What are Alternates and Change Orders? - OST
Alternates and Change Orders are 'child Bids' - they are added after you create… |
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On-Screen Takeoff - 03.12.01 Creating and Accepting Alternates and Change Orders - OST
You can create Alternates and Change Orders from the Bids Tab or from the Image… |
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On-Screen Takeoff - 03.12.02 Navigating Between Base and Child Bids - OST
There are two ways you can navigate between the Base and Child Bids. Bid View… |
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On-Screen Takeoff - 03.13 Creating (Importing) a Job from ConstructConnect using OST-Connect - OST
Warning On 10/24/2024, a mandatory update to OST-Connect was released. You… |
Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above. |
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