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Table of Contents

18 Masters (Central Saved Data)

1 On-Screen Takeoff - 18.01 Masters - Overview - OST

Masters are lists of records or templates you use over-and-over while using…

2 On-Screen Takeoff - 18.02 Masters: Employees - OST

Employees can be Estimators, Laborers, Project Managers, or Foremen - anyone…

3 On-Screen Takeoff - 18.02.01 Masters: Importing an Employee List - OST

You can import a list of employees into On-Screen Takeoff which makes building…

4 On-Screen Takeoff - 18.03 Masters: Job Statuses - OST

Job Statuses help you keep track of the progress of the jobs in your database.…

5 On-Screen Takeoff - 18.04 Masters: Condition Types - OST

Condition Types are tags you can assign to similar or "like" Conditions. They…

6 On-Screen Takeoff - 18.05 Masters: Style Library and Style Sets - OST

A Style is simply a Condition saved to the database for use in other Bids -…

7 On-Screen Takeoff - 18.05.01 Creating, Updating, and Deleting Styles - OST

A Style is a Condition you save for use in other Bids - it is sort of like…

8 On-Screen Takeoff - 18.05.02 Creating, Updating, and Deleting Style Sets - OST

A Style Set is a group of Styles (which are saved Condition templates, see…

9 On-Screen Takeoff - 18.06 Masters: Default Layers - OST

Default Layers is a list of Layers automatically added to new Bids. Layers…

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