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On-Screen Takeoff - 09.02.01 Splitting Linear Segments and Area Takeoff Objects - OST

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Applies to On-Screen Takeoff v.3.98.12.xx and newer.

The Splitting Linear Segments and Area Takeoff Objects tools are only accessible to users under a current maintenance subscription, see Why Renew Your On-Screen Takeoff, Quick Bid, and Digital Production Control Maintenance Subscription? for more information.

You can separate a Linear segments into multiple segments and Area takeoff objects into multiple sections using the Split tools, located on the Takeoff Mode toolbar.

Takeoff Mode-Tools Toolbar

To Undo splitting a Linear Segment or Area Object, press <Ctrl>+<Z> twice or click the Undo button twice.

Split (Linear) Segment

In the example below, our estimator (in this case, Takeoff Boostâ„¢) took off the wall as a single, continuous segment, without accounting for the two bump-outs shown with the orange box around them.

use the Splitter tool to separate a single linear object into many

Although we could delete the entire segment and re-draw it, that would be a lot of unnecessary work. Instead, use the Split (Linear) Segment tool command to separate the single linear object into three separate segments, move the short segment to its correct position, then fill-in the gaps manually.

To split an Area takeoff object's segment(s), simply grab the the select tool is an arrow that points up and to the left Tool and click within the segment to add a "vertex" (joint). See Drawing Area Takeoff for more information.

To split a Linear takeoff object,

  • Click the the select tool is an arrow that points up and to the left button on the Takeoff Tools toolbar
  • Select the object you want to "split"
  • Click the Split linear segment button - the cursor changes to the takeoff cursor Split linear segment button
  • Click the segment where you want to split (break) it, repeat for as many segments as you want

use the Splitter tool to separate a single linear object into many

Now that we have a short segment, we can drag and drop it to its correct position.

use the Splitter tool to separate a single linear object into many

Any newly separated segments can be moved, edited, or deleted independently.

Split Area Object

In the example below, our estimator (in this case, Takeoff Boostâ„¢) missed the wall separating these two rooms and took them off as one room.

use the Splitter tool to separate a single area object into many

Although we could delete the entire area object and re-draw it, that would be a lot of unnecessary work. Instead, use the Split Area tool command draw a line bisecting this area object.

To split an Area takeoff object,

  • Click the the select tool is an arrow that points up and to the left button on the Takeoff Tools toolbar
  • Select the object you want to "split"
  • Click the Split linear segment button - the cursor changes to the takeoff cursor Split linear segment button
  • Click the segment where you want to split (break) it, repeat for as many segments as you want

use the Splitter tool to separate a single area object into many

use the Splitter tool to separate a single linear object into many

Now that we have a short segment, we can drag and drop it to its correct position.

use the Splitter tool to separate a single linear object into many

Any newly separated object(s) can be moved, edited, or deleted independently.

Splitting an Area with Backouts

You can split an area that includes backouts, however you cannot split a backout. You can, however, delete the backout, then split the area object, then re-draw the backout or adjust the remaining objects however you choose.

Split an area takeoff object that includes backouts

When you split an area, several actions are happening in quick succession. If you undo splitting, you must clicked the Undo button (or press Ctrl Z) several times to get back to your original state.

click here to view the previous article Adding or Removing Joints (Vertices) in Area Takeoff Objects Copying, Pasting, and Moving Takeoff click here to view the next article

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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