Why Upgrade to the Latest Version of On-Screen Takeoff® and Digital Production Control® - OST DPC
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See On-Screen Takeoff® Product Information and Downloads for the latest version of On-Screen Takeoff as well as links to all the resources you'll need.
See Related Articles for additional information on upgrading.
New Features
- Takeoff Boost™ - automate your takeoff (can take off areas, linears, and counts), see Using Takeoff Boost™ to Jump Start Your Project - Overview and Requirements for details*
- All new and improved Auto Name utility - let On-Screen Takeoff suggest Sheet Name and Numbers for all the Pages in your project, see Using Auto Name to Speed up Bid Setup for details*
- More accurate and much faster than the original version of Autonaming.
- Project Comments - you can now add Comments to Pages in your Project to facilitate collaboration with other users. See Comments Overview for details*
- Split Area and Split Linear takeoff objects - see Splitting Linear Segments and Area Takeoff Objects for details*
- Draw Annotations, including Named Views and Hot Links, and set Scale in the "2nd View Window" (which we rebranded "Annotation and View Window"), see Annotation and View Window (2nd Image Window) for details
- Add 3rd "View" Window that can be opened when the Annotation and View Window is open, see View Window (3rd Image Window) for details
- Create 3-point curved linear objects (parabolas), see Setting a Linear Segment to a 3-Point Curve for details
- Added numerous Count Object Shapes so takeoff matches plans better, see Creating Count Conditions for details
- Mark Pages as "Takeoff Complete" so the estimator knows which Pages require attention
- Add ability to apply custom scale to all pages, default Set Scale dialog box to 'custom'
- Several Changes to the Bids Tab Bids Tab Overview:
- Allow user to change Job Status from Bids Tab (via context menu)
- Display Estimator column on the Bids Tab
- Add Job No. and Job Status filters to Bids Tab
- Updated Program Options OST Program Options - General Tab (Adjusting How You Work with OST):
- Set Option to open Hot Links in the Main window, the Annotation and View window, or the 3rd View Window
- You can now customize the appearance of the full-screen takeoff "crosshairs" by setting the thickness and color
- Added "Sheet No." field to Cover Sheet, Auto Naming dialog box, and Page Navigator
- Added option to show/hide the Page Number (the Page's position in the grid) and the Sheet No. (whatever you specify) in the Page Navigator, see OST Program Options - General Tab (Adjusting How You Work with OST)
- New, improved Project Express. What is Project Express and What Can I Do With It?
- New Licensing Technology that simplifies seat management. Licensing On-Screen Takeoff, Quick Bid, and Digital Production Control
* These features require an active maintenance subscription. Takeoff Boost requires a Premium maintenance subscription.
Full support for Windows 11 Pro and Enterprise
- Certification for use with Microsoft SQL 2019
- Moved the MyOnCenter Tab to the first position and repurposed it to improve its usefulness
- Users are prompted to Opt into Analytics (Non-California, U.S. Residents only, all others are opted-out) to help ConstructConnect development and improve meaning features and functionality based on usage.
- Non-U.S. residents and residents of California are opted out automatically until we can provide a method for purging customer data upon request
- Remove Registration screen and all Personally Identifiable Information in compliance with the GDPR and California CPA
- As part of the implementation of the improved Annotation & View Window, it is necessary for OST to close any secondary windows when leaving the Image Tab. Their state and position are retained and they will re-open when you return to the Image Tab
- Updated the underlying technology on which On-Screen Takeoff is built to support future versions of Windows and the latest operating system updates
- Removed support for CPC (Cartesian) files - if you use this file type, you must convert these files to TIF or PDF using a 3rd party utility
- When OST is in 'logging mode', log files are no longer overwritten/cleared when program restarts - also, if users have Quick Bid (or newer) installed, additional information from Quick Bid is available in the log file - see Related Articles
- Removed "BMP" and "PNG" from the list of files that can be imported/added to a project. OST can still display BMPs, but you cannot add new BMP files to any project. (Tip: Just change the extension from "BMP" or "PNG" to "TIF" and you can load them)
- Removed the option to convert PDFs to TIFFs on the Cover Sheet
- Changed the "Enable Color PDFs" option to "Disable high resolution images" and disabled option by default (so all images will display, by default, in color at higher resolution)
- Disable the "Change Folder" button when the Pages selected are not stored in the same folder (which prevents the function from working)
- Improvements to PDF performance and quality including improved conversion to TIFF times
- Bid exports (OSP and OST files) now include the "Mark Takeoff Complete" indicator as appropriate (works if you send to another OST 3.98 user only)
Important Fixes
- The preview window is blank when adding an Overlay via the Overlay Wizard
- Some users reported that On-Screen Takeoff could not be installed unless the "hidden" Windows Admin account was enabled and used
- AutoNaming was not returning results in OST (completely replaced by Auto Name)
- The Preview pane in the OST Bid Package Custom Page selector is not working
- 3-point linear takeoff results change fractionally after flipping horizontally or vertically
- After duplicating a Condition, if the name is still in edit mode and you draw takeoff, the cursor did not follow intended movements
- Typical Groups cause performance degradation as more markers are placed in a project
- Saving a new Style Set expands previously collapsed Style groups
- Sheet names are changed sometimes when exporting and importing bid packages
- Duplicating a Condition, while the Condition Window is sorted by Condition Name and the Condition Number column is turned off, creates the duplicate Condition in the wrong order
- Linear takeoff objects set to connect to other linears are affecting takeoff objects on hidden layers
- When exporting the the Takeoff Tab to CSV, if the Tab is Grouped by Zone, Bid Areas are not shown correctly in the CSV file
- Some large font sizes (for Display Dimension) causes a "Takeoff outside of boundaries" error
- When using Advanced Mouse Controls and drawing Continuous Mode linear takeoff, the mouse responds as expected
- Shape annotations did not print at set line width
- Print Previewing or Printing Worksheet Tab cuts off the end of the Total ($) column
- Export Takeoff Tab to csv does not export correct quantities on Typical Groups
- When exporting the Takeoff Tab to CSV (using File > Export), the Zone names are included
- If a bid includes Typical/Repeating Pages, the Takeoff Tab always displays correct totals (this was not working correctly for a long time)
- OSP Bid Package now includes employees
- If Quick Bid has access levels enabled, users could not create interactive bids in On-Screen Takeoff
- In some bids, using Duplicate and Reassign takeoff caused a Quick Bid Item's quantity to increase exponentially
- Unable to duplicate bids when bids list is grouped by job status and bid numbers sorted from greatest to least (affects interactive bids only)
- Typing spaces in the Name or Estimator filter fields does not enable the Clear Filter button on the Bids Tab (user may not realize a filter is set)