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On-Screen Takeoff - 06.00 - Scale and Takeoff Overview - OST

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Now, we come to the real reason you're using On-Screen Takeoff, measuring (taking off) your Plans.

Learning Goal
At the end of this chapter, you should be comfortable with selecting a Scale from the drop-down, instructing OST to calculate a Page's scale based on some known-length linear object on the Plan, how to verify that the set scale is correct, and then how to use the various takeoff tools to measure all the objects on your Plan (linears, areas, counts, and attachments). This chapter covers how to use the takeoff tools including Multi-Condition Takeoff (patented!), supercharge your takeoff and gain efficiency and accuracy by using some of our Advanced Takeoff Tools, covered in the Typical Takeoff chapter.

We want you to get the most out of using On-Screen Takeoff. At this point, we assume you have:

In the next few articles, we cover:

  • Setting and Verifying Page Scale - this tells the program that for every 'x' of takeoff you draw, it calculates to 'y' results (for example, one of the most common Scales is 3/8"=1', that means for every 3/8" you draw on the Page, it calculates to 1'.
  • Using Takeoff Boostâ„¢ to jump-start your takeoff.
  • Use the linear, area, count, and attachment takeoff tools to account for every building object on your Plan you need to measure.
  • Use Multi-Condition Takeoff (patented) to draw several Conditions' takeoff, all at once - huge time saver (fewer clicks makes everyone happy!).
  • Accounting for "Negative" takeoff (used in Alternates and Changer Orders quite often).
  • Manually entering a takeoff quantity for a Condition versus drawing takeoff on the Plan.

Let's get started with Scale.

click here to view the previous article Using Style Sets to Create Multiple Conditions QuicklyWhat is Scale and Why is it so Important?click here to view the next article

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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