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On-Screen Takeoff - 06.02.05 - Editing and Moving Boost Conditions - OST

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After Takeoff Boost returns results to On-Screen Takeoff, you:

In the previous article, we explained how to get rid of what you don't need (our example was a Drywall Contractor who just needs the Wall takeoff so we deleted all the "area" and "count" results).

This leaves us with the "Wall" Condition and all its takeoff.

Because Takeoff Boost creates a single "Wall" Condition for all the linear takeoff it returns, we will need to create some additional Conditions and do some reassigning of takeoff (both covered in the next article).

First, let's update that "Wall" Condition that Takeoff Boost created...

Edit Takeoff Boost Conditions to Meet Your Needs

Takeoff Boost returns rather generic Condition names and lumps all linears into one Condition named "Wall". In the next article, we are going to create additional Linear Conditions and then walk you through reassigning takeoff from the Takeoff Boost Condition to your custom Conditions. But first, once we've run Takeoff Boost on every Page we intend to take off, we'll use that "Wall" Condition as a starting point, no need to get rid of it.

On-Screen Takeoff Image Tab showing only Boost Wall takeoff

First, review the Plan, the Conditions, and the takeoff that Takeoff Boost returned and figure out what is the most prevalent linear object (for example, in our, we're going to cheat a little and just make a decision and say "Exterior Wall" is the most prevalent, it's 50/50 on this particular Plan).

Next, double-click on the "Wall" (or any other Boost Condition) Condition in the Conditions list to open its Condition Properties dialog box.

On-Screen Takeoff Boost Wall Condition Properties dialog box

Notice, only the very basic Condition Properties are filled in.

We recommend that you update/fill-in the following fields:

  • Condition Name (Takeoff Boost uses "Boost Walls" for all linear takeoff, this probably won't be exactly what you need, but between this article and the next, we'll get the takeoff sorted out).
    • For now, we're going to change the name to Exterior Wall (for simplicity's sake)
  • Type (Takeoff Boost does not assign a Condition Type to its Conditions), you can group the Conditions Window, and the Takeoff and Worksheet Tabs by "Type" so we encourage you to assign one.
    • We named our Type "Exterior Walls"
  • Layer (Takeoff Boost assigns all its Conditions to Boost-specific Layers, in this case "Boost Walls". We encourage you to assign this Condition to a custom Layer.
    • We assigned it to a Layer we created named "Walls".
  • Dimensions (Takeoff Boost does not assign a Height to Linear Conditions, and all Counts are set to 1' squares, no Height value)
    • We set our Height to 14 feet and our Thickness to 8 inches.
  • Results (you may want to select additional Results, depending on your needs)
    • We added "Surface area (single side) to account for the drywall that will be on the interior side of this wall, and "Volume" to account for potential insulation that is blown-in.
See Related Articles for more information about the Condition Properties dialog box and how all the fields are used.

On-Screen Takeoff Boost Wall Condition Properties dialog box updated

Click OK to save the changes.

On-Screen Takeoff Conditions list showing changes made to Boost Condition Properties

Notice the additional Results and updated name in the Conditions list?

Next, let's move this Condition to out of the Boost folder.

Move Conditions to Custom Folders

The next thing we recommend is to move the Boost Conditions out of the Boost folder into whatever Custom folders you use (or even no folder).

Just click on the Condition and drag-n-drop it where you want it to be placed, in this case, we don't want to put it in a folder so we drag it on the "Conditions..." header.

On-Screen Takeoff Conditions list dragging Condition out of Boost folder

And release the mouse button...

On-Screen Takeoff Conditions list after moving Condition out of Boost folder

OK, so we have our Condition updated and moved. Next, we need to create a few more Conditions and assign the various interior walls to those.

Reminder... now that there are no "Boost Conditions" or associated takeoff, we could run Takeoff Boost again on this Page. All the Boost Conditions would be re-created - the Condition we renamed would be not affected or used by Takeoff Boost again. We cover re-running Takeoff Boost in Related Articles.

click here to view the previous article Reviewing Takeoff Boost Results and Deleting What's Not Needed Reassigning Boost Takeoff to Your Own Conditions click here to view the next article

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