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OST - 06.02.03 - Takeoff Boost Results (Conditions and Takeoff)

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As mentioned in the previous article, when Takeoff Boostâ„¢ returns results, On-Screen Takeoff displays a blue banner along the top of the Image Window (on whatever Page is currently in view) to let you know which Page is being updated. This banner disappears as soon as the results are written to the database, so if you don't see it, just check back on your Page, most likely, the results will be there.

Boost writing results to database banner

To see Takeoff Boost results, return to the Page that was identified in the Banner...

Boost Results

  • All Conditions that Takeoff Boost creates are created in a folder named, "Boost" (you can move them out of this folder as needed, we cover that in the next few articles, however once moved out of the "Boost" folder, they will not be re-used by Takeoff Boost if you re-run it on this Page or run it on another Page in the project).
    • All Linear Conditions are set to a Condition Type (in Condition Properties) aptly named "Walls".
    • Area and Count Conditions have no Condition Type set (they show "Unassigned" when the Conditions window is grouped by Type, as in the screenshot above).
  • All Conditions that Takeoff Boost creates are assigned to a specific "Boost" Layer: Boost Wall, Boost Net Area, Boost Footprint Area, or Boost Count. This allows you to toggle off each style of takeoff result easily. These Layers are added to your Bid automatically by Takeoff Boost. You can change the Layer for any Takeoff Boost-created Condition in the Condition's Properties window.
  • If you rename a Condition that Takeoff Boost creates or move a Condition out of the Boost folder, Takeoff Boost creates a replacement Condition the next time your run it.


Always Returned

Takeoff Boost always creates these three Conditions and corresponding Layers and takeoff:

  • Boost Wall (if you have opted to use Wall Types, and every segment's Wall Type is clearly indicated on the plans, you may not see this generic "Walls" Condition)
  • Boost Net Area*
  • Boost Footprint Area*

*See Takeoff Boost Overview for definitions of these Areas.

These three Results are always assigned to a corresponding Layer (Boost Walls, Boost Footprint Area, or Boost Net Area).

Possibly Returned

Depending on your Plan, Takeoff Boost may created one or more of the following Conditions and corresponding Layers and takeoff:

  • Boost Bathtub
  • Boost Double Sink
  • Boost Double Swing Door
  • Boost Elevator
  • Boost Floor Sink
  • Boost Opposing Door
  • Boost Shower
  • Boost Single Swing Door
  • Boost Sink
  • Boost Sliding Door
  • Boost Toilet
  • Boost Uneven Door

Count Results are always assigned to a single "Boost Counts" Layer.

If you turn off a Boost Layer (Such as "Boost Counts") and run Takeoff Boost on another Page, or re-run it on this Page, the Count takeoff and Conditions are returned, but the takeoff will not be visible until you turn the corresponding Boost Layer back on.

click here to view the previous article Running Takeoff Boost Reviewing Takeoff Boost Results and Deleting What's Not Needed click here to view the next article

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