Quick Bid. Release Notes (05/17/2022) - QB
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Quick Bid 4.99.05 is a maintenance release to Quick Bid that includes several privacy-related changes and numerous bug fixes. Quick Bid 4.99.05 is available to all customers whose license supports 4.99.xx. FeaturesChanges- Remove Registration screen and all Personally Identifiable Information in compliance with the GDPR and California CPA
- Allow non-California U.S. Residents to opt-in to usage analytics (no bid information transmitted, just anonymous product/feature use data)
- Non-U.S. residents and residents of California are opted out automatically until we can provide a method for purging customer data upon request
- Accounting and "Custom" Exports are no longer available to users who are not under a current maintenance subscription
FixesReported by Customers- ON-727/ON-4131 (Support Case # 384771) - an Item's Style changes in a Mixture when the price is updated
- ON-1795 (Support Case # 398728) - Copying and Pasting Takeoff with pricing from the Base Bid to a new Change Order sometimes does not retain pricing from Base Bid (requires fix in OST)
- ON-2609 - Program crashes if you change the Qty/Day column on the Labor Tab in an Alternate in an interactive Bid
- ON-3331 - In a Bid with no Net Labor costs, overriding the Bid Total on the Markups Tab does not work
- ON-3427 (Support Case #s 01896547, 0201982) - When a database contains 1,000 eQuotes, the eQuotes grid becomes unusable
- ON-3686/ON-3727 (Support Case # 01981801) - The Job Cost Export does not export Manhours or Production correctly
- ON-3850 (Support Case # 02150088) - Accepting/Unaccepting Subcontractor quotes causes the Total row to calculate incorrectly
- ON-3880/ON-4147 - ComputerEase Export is not formatting alpha-numeric as Text
- ON-4032 - Incorrect highlighting is applied to the grid when it is Filtered (display issue only)
- ON-4125 - the Totals row's cells are misaligned in the Condition/ Detail Items Grid
- ON-4170 - the Total line on the Payroll Tab does not calculate correctly where there is negative Labor in a bid
Found during QA Normal Testing- ON-3282 - In Viewer (no-license) mode, the "Copy" button was active on the Main Toolbar
- ON-3427 - In databases where an exceptionally large number of eQuotes have been sent, sometimes it is not possible to import a vendors response file
- ON-3409/ON-3548 - Scrolling in numerous grids (Materials, Labor, Payroll, Subs, Equip, Other Tabs) is not always working correctly
- ON-3562 - Deleting multiple rows on the Subs, Equip, or Others Tab does not work correctly
- ON-3584 - Changing the Section when adding a new Subs entry causes the row to disappear
- ON-3764/ON-4148 - The Supplier column is not cleared when eQuote is unaccepted
- ON-3862 - When Division/Section Breaks are enabled on Subs Tab, duplicate does not show the duplicate row until Tab is refreshed
- ON-3871 - In an Alternate created in On-Screen Takeoff, right-clicking on the Materials Tab generated a "General Exception Error"
- ON-3913 - The "Total" row on the Equip and Other Tabs does not calculate correctly when Multi-Area is configured
- ON-3914 - When you select the option to "Show Section Breaks" on the Subs Tab, the Total row is not calculated
- ON-3916 - When invoking the context menu (right-click) on the Subs, Equip, or Other Tab, it contains incorrect options at the top
- ON-3919 - The eQuotes grid expands collapsed eQuotes and returns focus to top row when an Item is added to an eQuote, a supplier is added to or removed from an eQuote, or a new eQuote is created
- ON-4032 - When using the filters on the Labor Tab, rows are highlighted incorrectly
- ON-4043 - The eQuotes grid becomes mis-drawn when columns are resized (headers and columns don't align)
- ON-4066 - The blank/new Subcontractor row disappears on the Subs Tab when you select "Show Only Selected Subs"
- ON-4071 - Leaving the "Your eQuote has been sent..." confirmation open for more than a minute caused Quick Bid to throw an invalid error message
- ON-4090 - The installer is naming the "CustomReports" folder incorrectly
- ON-4149 - If you send an eQuote to three or more suppliers, label "Vendor Quote Total" displayed incorrectly
Known Issues- ON-4727 - When creating a Job Data export, there are some scenarios that cause accepted change orders not to be included when generating an export for the entire bid. If you notice this, the work-around is to run the Export without including Accepted Change Orders, and then run the Export against each Accepted Change Order.
- ON-4783 - When exporting the Job Cost Summary export CSV file, the Category Codes are exporting as their internal numbers, not the expected letter codes (M=Material, L=Labor, etc.). You can convert them from number to letter using the key attached to this article.
- ON-4807 - On the Materials Tab, if you use the "Show Description" option, Print Preview generates a "Bad Formula Result" error. A workaround for this is to select all the rows on the Materials Tab, Copy them, then Paste into Excel or Word.
- PMTE-2295 - Selecting Active Sections does not create the sections on the Subs Tab
- The "Set to Item Description" option for Schedule of Values Contracts is the same as "Set to Cost Code Description".