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Quick Bid. Release Notes (05/17/2022) - QB

Views: 635 Last Updated: 08/15/2024 02:31 pm 0 Rating/ Voters
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Upgraded Version

This version of Quick Bid has been replaced by Quick Bid. please upgrade at your earliest convenience.

Download links, links to previous versions, and other resources can be found on the Quick Bid Product Information Page (click Quick Bid above or Quick Bid® Product Information and Downloads - QB).

Quick Bid 4.99.05 is a maintenance release to Quick Bid that includes several privacy-related changes and numerous bug fixes. Quick Bid 4.99.05 is available to all customers whose license supports 4.99.xx.



  • Remove Registration screen and all Personally Identifiable Information in compliance with the GDPR and California CPA
  • Allow non-California U.S. Residents to opt-in to usage analytics (no bid information transmitted, just anonymous product/feature use data)
    • Non-U.S. residents and residents of California are opted out automatically until we can provide a method for purging customer data upon request
  • Accounting and "Custom" Exports are no longer available to users who are not under a current maintenance subscription


Reported by Customers

  • ON-727/ON-4131 (Support Case # 384771) - an Item's Style changes in a Mixture when the price is updated
  • ON-1795 (Support Case # 398728) - Copying and Pasting Takeoff with pricing from the Base Bid to a new Change Order sometimes does not retain pricing from Base Bid (requires fix in OST)
  • ON-2609 - Program crashes if you change the Qty/Day column on the Labor Tab in an Alternate in an interactive Bid
  • ON-3331 - In a Bid with no Net Labor costs, overriding the Bid Total on the Markups Tab does not work
  • ON-3427 (Support Case #s 01896547, 0201982) - When a database contains 1,000 eQuotes, the eQuotes grid becomes unusable
  • ON-3686/ON-3727 (Support Case # 01981801) - The Job Cost Export does not export Manhours or Production correctly
  • ON-3850 (Support Case # 02150088) - Accepting/Unaccepting Subcontractor quotes causes the Total row to calculate incorrectly
  • ON-3880/ON-4147 - ComputerEase Export is not formatting alpha-numeric as Text
  • ON-4032 - Incorrect highlighting is applied to the grid when it is Filtered (display issue only)
  • ON-4125 - the Totals row's cells are misaligned in the Condition/ Detail Items Grid
  • ON-4170 - the Total line on the Payroll Tab does not calculate correctly where there is negative Labor in a bid

Found during QA Normal Testing

  • ON-3282 - In Viewer (no-license) mode, the "Copy" button was active on the Main Toolbar
  • ON-3427 - In databases where an exceptionally large number of eQuotes have been sent, sometimes it is not possible to import a vendors response file
  • ON-3409/ON-3548 - Scrolling in numerous grids (Materials, Labor, Payroll, Subs, Equip, Other Tabs) is not always working correctly
  • ON-3562 - Deleting multiple rows on the Subs, Equip, or Others Tab does not work correctly
  • ON-3584 - Changing the Section when adding a new Subs entry causes the row to disappear
  • ON-3764/ON-4148 - The Supplier column is not cleared when eQuote is unaccepted
  • ON-3862 - When Division/Section Breaks are enabled on Subs Tab, duplicate does not show the duplicate row until Tab is refreshed
  • ON-3871 - In an Alternate created in On-Screen Takeoff, right-clicking on the Materials Tab generated a "General Exception Error"
  • ON-3913 - The "Total" row on the Equip and Other Tabs does not calculate correctly when Multi-Area is configured
  • ON-3914 - When you select the option to "Show Section Breaks" on the Subs Tab, the Total row is not calculated
  • ON-3916 - When invoking the context menu (right-click) on the Subs, Equip, or Other Tab, it contains incorrect options at the top
  • ON-3919 - The eQuotes grid expands collapsed eQuotes and returns focus to top row when an Item is added to an eQuote, a supplier is added to or removed from an eQuote, or a new eQuote is created
  • ON-4032 - When using the filters on the Labor Tab, rows are highlighted incorrectly
  • ON-4043 - The eQuotes grid becomes mis-drawn when columns are resized (headers and columns don't align)
  • ON-4066 - The blank/new Subcontractor row disappears on the Subs Tab when you select "Show Only Selected Subs"
  • ON-4071 - Leaving the "Your eQuote has been sent..." confirmation open for more than a minute caused Quick Bid to throw an invalid error message
  • ON-4090 - The installer is naming the "CustomReports" folder incorrectly
  • ON-4149 - If you send an eQuote to three or more suppliers, label "Vendor Quote Total" displayed incorrectly

Known Issues

  • ON-4727 - When creating a Job Data export, there are some scenarios that cause accepted change orders not to be included when generating an export for the entire bid. If you notice this, the work-around is to run the Export without including Accepted Change Orders, and then run the Export against each Accepted Change Order.
  • ON-4783 - When exporting the Job Cost Summary export CSV file, the Category Codes are exporting as their internal numbers, not the expected letter codes (M=Material, L=Labor, etc.). You can convert them from number to letter using the key attached to this article.
  • ON-4807 - On the Materials Tab, if you use the "Show Description" option, Print Preview generates a "Bad Formula Result" error. A workaround for this is to select all the rows on the Materials Tab, Copy them, then Paste into Excel or Word.
  • PMTE-2295 - Selecting Active Sections does not create the sections on the Subs Tab
  • The "Set to Item Description" option for Schedule of Values Contracts is the same as "Set to Cost Code Description".

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Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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