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Digital Production Control - 05.02.03 Percenting Step 3 - Select Which Objects to Percent - DPC

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Once you select an LCC from the list, takeoff objects for that selected Labor Cost Code become activated. This doesn't mean they are selected, just that they can be selected.

On the plan image, use the Zoom tools to zoom in or out so to see the objects to percent.

Click on an activated object to select it, click again to deselect a selected object. Only objects that are selected (highlighted in Yellow) are affected by setting percents.

Select all the objects associated with the selected Labor Cost Code(s) to which a percent complete is to be applied, but only select multiple objects if the same percent is being applied to all.

The rest of this articles detail various shortcuts for selecting objects to percent that will make your job much easier. These methods for selecting objects are optimized for using a Stylus or a Mouse.

selected objects are highlighted in yellow, include a box to set percent complete, and show their budgeted and remaining hours in the status bar

The Status Bar
At the bottom of the window, the Status Bar displays the (B)udgeted and (R)emaining man-hours for the selected objects. This is very useful in setting daily production goals for crew members (line-out). See Related articles for more information on 'lining out' daily work to keep your budget 'on track'.

Selecting Objects - Roping

Use Roping to select all objects inside or touching a box you draw on the screen. By default, anything Touching the box (whether inside the box or just touching the perimeter) is selected. You can change this to "Inclusive" (objects must be completely inside the box) by clicking Tools > Options and changing the Roping Method.

To rope objects:

On the plan image, use the Zoom tools to zoom in or out

Click the Select Tool the select tool is an arrow pointing up and slightly left on the toolbar

Draw a box around the objects to select them (the actual selection box is a thin black line, we've colored it in red and show click-points with a blue indicator to make it easier to see what is going on)

you can drag a box around a region of takeoff to select all objects within it

Once selected, objects turn yellow and display a Percent Complete box.

after roping, all objects within the box (or touching, depending on how you have your options set) are selected

Notice that all the objects contained within the box drawn as well as those simply touching the box are selected. This is because we set Tools > Options Roping Method to 'touching'.

Selecting Objects - Clicking

Use the Selection Tool to select objects that are not easily roped.

On the plan image, use the zoom tools to zoom in or out

Click the Select Tool the select tool is an arrow pointing up and slightly left on the toolbar

Click on an object to select it - click on subsequent takeoff objects to select them as well

To deselect an object, click on it again

Once selected, the objects turn yellow and display a Percent Complete box.

selecting objects by clicking on them is a toggle - click once to select, again to deselect

Selecting Objects - Stripe

Draw a 'stripe' through objects to select them. This is the same as Roping a box, but selects objects over a narrower band.

On the plan image, use the zoom tools to zoom in or out

Click the Select Tool the select tool is an arrow pointing up and slightly left on the toolbar

Draw a line/stripe through the object(s) to select them

draw a narrow box through the objects you want to select (roping option must be set to touching)

When the mouse button (or stylus) is released, all objects the stripe is drawn through are selected (turn yellow and display a Percent Complete Box).

selected objects are highlighted in yellow, include a box for setting percent, and show budgeted and remaining hours in the status bar

This only works if the Roping method is set to "Touching".

Selecting Objects using the Control Buttons

There are four control buttons at the bottom of the Labor Cost Code window that provide quick selection of takeoff objects (the Multi-Code and Takeoff buttons are not object selection buttons).

in the LCC Window, there are buttons along the bottom that allow you to select objects quickly based on their percent complete

Button What it does/How it is used...
the zero button selects all objects for the selected labor cost codes that have not been percented Selects any takeoff object(s) for the selected LCC on the current page that is set to zero (0) percent complete (objects not percented or those percented, then returned to "0")
the 1 to 99 button selects all objects for the selected labor cost codes that have been percented, but not to 100% Selects any takeoff object(s) for the selected LCC on the current page that is greater than zero (0) percent complete but less than 100 percent complete. Basically selects everything that already has a percent set but that is not completed.
the 100% button selects all objects for the selected labor cost codes that are set to 100% complete Selects any takeoff object(s) for the selected LCC on the current page that is complete (100%).
the button with the red circle with slash next to 100 Hides all takeoff objects associated with the highlighted Labor Cost Code that have a percent complete equal to 100%. (Hides COMPLETED objects) This is a toggle button, clicking once Hides 100% objects, clicking again Unhides them.

When using the 0, 1-99 and 100% buttons, the Image zooms in/out to display the region of the image that contains all selected objects.

Unselecting Objects

Selecting and unselecting objects works as a toggle, the first time an object is clicked, it is Selected and shows a yellow highlight. Clicking the same object again unselects the object and the highlight is removed.

Sometimes, it is easier to select all objects via roping and then unselect one or two objects that do not need to be percented, such as in the example below.

Draw a selection box around all of the objects (shown in light green)

Then click on the objects (blue) that should not be selected

when you select multiple objects, click once on those that are not needed to deselect them

click here to view the previous article Percenting - Choose the Labor Cost Code(s) Percenting Step 4 - Set the Percent Complete click here to view the next article

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