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Digital Production Control - 04.07 Sending and Receiving DPC files without using Project Express

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There may be some circumstances preventing you from using Project Express. If you cannot use Project Express you can still send Bid Packages and DPC Change files via e-mail or over a network or using a portable hard drive/thumb drive.

By default, Foremen can only send DPC Changes via Project Express. If the Foreman and/or Project Manager are unable to use Project Express and want to use a manual method of sending changes, this setting must be changed by clicking Tools > Options > DPC, and removing the checkmark for "Always send DPC changes via Project Express".

Sending a Project to File or Via E-mail

Click Send on the Main Toolbar

Choose "Complete Package" (*.OSP file), "DPC Package" (*.DPM file), or "DPC Changes" (*.DPC file) (see the table below for explanation of roles and files)

Roll and License Options Shown What Gets Sent
The Estimator with only a TKO license Access the DPC Send menu by clicking the Send button on the main toolbar On-Screen Takeoff Bid Package (*.osp). This file will setup the project on the Project Manager's machine.
The Project Manager with TKO and DPM license The Send menu includes the option to send a DPC Bid Package after the bid is flipped to DPC mode DPC Bid Package (*.dpm). This is the bid in DPC Mode and will setup the project on the Foreman's machine. Also used to recreate or update the Foreman's project with new budget information.
A Foreman with just a DPC-Foreman license Foremen can send their DPC changes using the Send menu A DPC Change file (*.dpc). This file sends new percents and timecard entries to the Project Manager. This is an incremental file. Previously sent changes are not included with each new file - only new information. (This is discussed later in this section)

Select By E-mail or To File

Select either Yes or No to "Send Images" (does not display when sending DPC Changes)

In the Create Bid Package dialog box, custom select images to choose which pages to send to field

When you opt to "Send Images", the page Range becomes active.

Select whether the bid package should include "All Pages", "Pages with Takeoff", or "Custom Select Images"

Click the Create button - if you've selected "Custom Select Images" is chosen, you will see the Select Images dialog box where you will select the image to include in this Bid Package, otherwise, Project Express starts.

In the Create Bid Package dialog box, you can select which pages to include - you only need to include those the foremen need

Select the image files to include in the bid package

Click OK - the bid packages is created

  • By E-mail - the file is saved to "C:\OCS Documents\OST" (or whatever you've designated as your "Package Folder" in Options), and a new Outlook e-mail message is created with the file attached. If you've set "Project Manager" and "Foreman" in the Cover Sheet, the appropriate recipient is entered when sending any DPC files.
  • To File - the Export Bid to Package dialog opens. Specify a "File Name" and click Save. Then copy the file to a CD or USB flash drive (or even a cloud drive) to share between employees.
Bid Packages that include Images may be too large for many e-mail systems and will fail to send. This is why On Center Software recommends you use Project Express for sending/receiving takeoff and DPC Packages.

click here to view the previous article Sending Updated Bid to Field Tracking Production (Percent Complete and Labor Used) click here to view the next article

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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