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OST - 20.05.03 Database Maintenance - Synchronizing Databases

Views: 937 Last Updated: 07/24/2023 01:47 pm 0 Rating/ Voters
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Synchronizing databases copies information contained in the Master Menu tables of one database and adds (inserts) that information into another database.

Notes on Synchronizing Databases
  • When synchronizing databases, no information is removed from the Source database. It is only being added to the Destination database.
  • Information that already exists in the Destination database will be updated to reflect what the Source database contains.
  • Synchronizing databases does not copy or transfer any Bids; only the Master Tables are affected.  To transfer Bids from one database to another, follow the instructions in your product's User Guide for Copying and Pasting Bids.
  • Synchronizing databases does not copy over the New Bid settings configured under Tools > Options. These must be configured manually for every database.
  • Synchronizing database does copy over the General and Folders settings configured under Tools > Options.
  • When synchronizing databases, all Master Tables or a combination of Tables can be synchronized (by default, all Master Tables are copied to the new database). You can adjust this before synchronizing.

How to Synchronize Databases

  • Click Tools > Synchronize Databases - the Synchronize Databases dialog opens

OST Synchronize Databases dialog box, collapsed

  • Select the Source database - this is the database that has the 'stuff' you want to copy over to the other database
  • Select the Destination database - this is the database into which you want to copy information from the Source database

By default, the option to Synchronize all Master menu tables is selected. If you want to synchronize only certain tables, uncheck the box next to Synchronize all Master menu tables and select only specific tables to synchronize.  Some tables are dependent on other tables - for example, Styles is dependent on Condition Types and Layers so those tables would automatically be selected if you check Styles.

OST Synchronize Databases dialog box, expanded

  • Click Start

When synchronization is complete the new database will include the selected Master information.

Some companies keep a Master (template) Database and synchronize to this when creating new databases for each project, month, quarter, etc. - however they've chosen to organize their databases.  This can save a great deal of time when setting up new databases and ensures every database contains the same settings and Master information.

click here to view the previous article Database Maintenance - Compact and Repair Database Maintenance - Backup and Restore click here to view the next article

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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