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On-Screen Takeoff - 15.03 Printing Plans, Takeoff, and Annotation - OST

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This article, and those those that follow, deal with printing the Image Tab (plans, takeoff, annotations).

On-Screen Takeoff uses the Windows Print Subsystem to manage printing - so to change Printer defaults use the Printers or Devices and Printers applet in the Windows Control Panel. On-Screen Takeoff does not save Printer settings when the program is closed because this would affect other programs accessing this printer.

The Print Preview Window

From the Image Tab,

  • Click the Print icon the print button looks like a printer or,
  • Click File > Print (or Preview) or,
  • Press <Ctrl> + <P>) - the Print Preview dialog appears.

The program always brings up the Preview screen from the Image Tab so you can double-check the printout before sending it to your printer.

"Printing" to PDF
You can even save a tree and 'print' the project to a PDF! Use one of the methods in the following articles to setup the print job. When it comes time to select the printer, choose a PDF generator you have installed. Details about printing to PDF are covered in Related Articles.

In the Print Preview window, you will see the Print Setup toolbar. This toolbar provides access to all print options available in the On-Screen Takeoff.

the On-Screen Takeoff print toolbar

Button or Control Name/Purpose What it does/How it is used...
print button with text Print button Opens the Windows Print dialog box where a user chooses the printer and print options and selects the pages/number of copies to print.
print setup button Print Setup button Allows user to set a page size and choose Portrait/Landscape mode.
print range drop-down Range drop down A Range tells On-Screen Takeoff what to print. Print ranges include Current View (default), Current Page, Pages with Takeoff and All Pages - each option is detailed in the following articles.

Selecting "All Pages" in Bid with a large number of pages may take several minutes to process before the Preview window displays. (This is why the Default is not "All Pages".) Every time the Print Preview window opens, the Range is set back to "Current View". This is by design so a user does not inadvertently leave "All Pages" checked and have to wait while the system caches pages.
print size drop-down Size drop down Select the Size to which you want to print your images (this is where you tell On-Screen Takeoff how to print the page range). To print images to scale (full size), select 100%.

Printing to scale (100%) takes significant system resources and could take several minutes to cache the images. This is especially true if you select "All Pages" and "Print to Scale".
print crop button Crop checkbox When a printout will take more than one piece of paper (or printed page) to print, the Crop button allows a user to select just some of the pages to print. This way, if you are printing to full size, you can skip blank pages or pages with nothing of relevance. Crop is disabled if you select "Fit to Page" because each Page (or Sheet) in your project would be scaled to fit on a single printed page. Multipage View (below) must be enabled to use Crop.
print show footer toggle button Show Footer checkbox Check this option to print the footer on every page. The footer includes the Page Name, the % of scale at which the page is printed, the Project Name, database, and the current date and time.
print preview page navigator Preview page navigator Allows user to navigate pages when previewing multiple print pages. Shows how many pages are being previewed.
print preview showing single page button Preview single print page Displays a single print page on the screen at one time.
print preview showing multi-page button drop-down Preview multiple print pages Click and select how many print pages to display on the print preview.
close button Close Closes the Print Preview dialog box.

click here to view the previous article Printing the Bids, Takeoff, and Worksheet Tabs How Bid Areas and Layers Affect Printing click here to view the next article

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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