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On-Screen Takeoff - 14.03 Price a Bid using Quick Bid - Overview - OST

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Takeoff (Quantity Surveying) and Estimating (Bidding) go hand in hand - so do our takeoff and estimating products! You can link an On-Screen Takeoff project directly to Quick Bid for pricing. This interactivity means a company can realize significant improvements to efficiency. Your users enter information once instead of multiple times getting Bids done faster than ever with greater accuracy.

Using On-Screen Takeoff and Quick Bid interactively is a great way to get the most out of On Center's programs.

Take your company's takeoff and estimating to the next level - check out On Center Software's revolutionary project management software, Digital Production Control. Digitally track job progress in real time! For more information, visit our website http://www.oncenter.com/ or contact your Account Manager at On Center Software.

Detailed instructions for using Quick Bid are in the Quick Bid User Guide - we will cover only the basics of creating an Interactive Bid here.

The first step in creating an Interactive Bid is to make sure both programs are licensed (Quick Bid shows 'QB' and On-Screen Takeoff shows 'OST' (at least) in the bottom right corner). See Related Articles for more information about licensing On-Screen Takeoff.

Verify that you have no Bid Tab filters set in either program. If there is a filter set in either program, it can prevent the programs from being able to create an Interactive Bid. See OST/QB - Cannot Create Interactive Bid (Insufficient Rights) for more tips on troubleshooting issues with creating interactive Bids.

Make sure the Quick Bid Database in which you want to create the Interactive Bid is open and that you have rights to create Bids in that database.

Caution - SQL databases
When you are using a shared SQL database, it is vital that every user types in the "Server Name" exactly the same, including case, in both programs. We recommend advising every user to type in the Server Name in lower-case letters always. Please review CLS - Using SQL with Classic Products for more information on using SQL databases properly.

Synchronizing Bid Information

As you add Conditions, add Bid Areas or Typical Areas, draw takeoff drawn, and add/modify/delete Alternates and Change Orders (all done from the On-Screen Takeoff interface), those changes are synchronized between On-Screen Takeoff and Quick Bid.

  • In Interactive mode changes synchronize between the programs instantaneously and automatically
  • In Manual mode you must manually refresh Quick Bid from time-to-time by pressing "F9" on your keyboard

Manually refresh Quick Bid by pressing the F9 key on your keyboard

First, you need to create an interactive bid.

click here to view the previous article Price Using Excel - Linking a Condition to an Excel Cell or Named Range Creating an Interactive Bid click here to view the next article

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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