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On-Screen Takeoff - 12.03 Grouping and Sorting the Takeoff Tab - OST

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You can group (or "break") the Results on the Takeoff Tab by Areas, Zones, Type, and Pages. Simply right-click anywhere within the Takeoff Tab's grid and select/deselect the various grouping options.

When grouping, the group order is Pages, Type, Zones, then Areas. When the Takeoff Tab is grouped, the Groupings are always sorted alpha-numerically, ascending. If you change the sort order of a column (like Name for example) only the rows within each Grouping are sorted, the Groupings themselves remain ascending, alphabetical order, with one exception: Area groupings mimic the layout of the Bid Areas dialog box.

To sort the Takeoff Tab, click on the desired column header (i.e. No., Name, Height), an arrow appears next to the group title. A down arrow indicates descending order, and an up arrow, ascending.

Select the header of the column to drag the column to the desired location on the screen.

Click and hold on either side of the column header to bring up the Resizing iconthe resizing cursor is a vertical line with arrows pointing out of either sideand drag the edge of the column to the left or right to adjust the column width.

Experiment with the different grouping and view options.


If you group the Takeoff Tab by more than one selection, the screen can get a bit unwieldy. The example below shows how a Bid with only a few Areas(3), Conditions(4), and Pages(3) can become hard to read when multiple "Group bys" are selected (this example is grouped by Page, Area, and Type).

On-Screen Takeoff Takeoff Tab grouped by page, area, and type

By all means, use the groupings you need, but you can "slice and dice" your takeoff results to the point that they are so granular, they are meaningless.

click here to view the previous article The Takeoff Tab Context Menus The Takeoff Tab Report click here to view the next article

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