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On-Screen Takeoff - 11.05 Adjusting How Your Plans Are Displayed (Visual Settings) - OST

Views: 1321 Last Updated: 11/14/2024 09:36 am 0 Rating/ Voters
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There are times when it is necessary to adjust how an image is displayed on the Image Tab. There are several ways an image may be adjusted.

Adjusting an image does not edit the actual image file - it only changes how On-Screen Takeoff displays the image - for example, rotating the image 90 degrees only instructs On-Screen Takeoff to rotate the image 90 degrees when displaying it - the actual image is still in the original orientation. If this file is added to a different project or even the same project again, it must be adjusted again. However, adjusting an Overlay creates a TIF copy of that image and all changes are made to that TIF and stored in an "Overlays" subfolder where the original Overlay image file is stored., see Related articles for more information).

The Adjust Image Dialog Box

Click the Adjust Images button the adjust image button looks like a square with two curved arrows at opposite corners on the Images toolbar or click Image > Adjust Image to bring up the Adjust Images dialog. Some image adjustments are available using shortcut keys, see below for common Image adjustment shortcuts. See Related articles for more information.

On-Screen Takeoff Adjust Images dialog box

Orientation rotates and flips the image.

Visualization adjusts how the image is displayed:

  • Enhance - sharpens the visible lines of the image (can make things look less jagged) by default, all images are automatically set to Enhance when added to On-Screen Takeoff. This sharpens the image and makes it easier to view.
  • Darken - darkens the visible lines of the image
  • Invert - reverses all of the colors (if image was black drawing on a white background, it shows as white drawing on a black background)
  • Bitonal - displays image in black and white (not greyscale or color)

Select appropriate options and click OK.

To make these changes to all pages in this project, place a check mark in Apply to All Pages then click OK.

Image Adjustment Keyboard Shortcuts

Keystroke Combo Button What it does/What it means...
<Ctrl> + <E>
Enhance - Toggles image enhancement on/off for current page
<Ctrl> + <I> the adjust image button looks like a square with two curved arrows at opposite corners Opens the Adjust Images dialog box
<Alt> Activates the Panning function (used in conjunction with your mouse's scroll wheel)
<Ctrl> + < Shift> + <D>
Darken - Toggles the Darken option on/off for the current page
<Shift> (plus mouse movement) Pans horizontally (versus vertically)
<*> zoom to full page button is a sheet of paper with a magnifying glass over it Zooms to FULL PAGE
<+> zoom in button is a magnifying glass with a plus sign inside

Zooms IN

<-> zoom out button is a magnifying glass with a minus sign inside Zooms OUT
</> zoom to 100% button is a magnifying glass with number one inside Zooms to 100%

click here to view the previous article What is the Missing Image Assistant Rotating and Flipping Plans click here to view the next article

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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