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On-Screen Takeoff - 10.05.01 Manually Setting the Number of Times a Typical Group Occurs at a Marker - OST

Views: 567 Last Updated: 11/12/2024 01:23 pm 0 Rating/ Voters
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If you know a Typical Group repeats a set number of times on a page, you can manually enter the count.

  • First, place a single Typical Group Marker on the page (see previous article for details)
  • Switch to the Select Tool ALT TEXT
  • Select the Typical Group Marker
  • Right-click and select Set Typical Group Marker Count

the select tool button is an upward pointing arrow angled slightly to the right

  • Enter a value for the number of times this Typical Group occurs on this page - for example, 20 (this doesn't add 20 additional Markers, this sets the total count for this Marker to 20... other markers, even for the same Typical Group, are unaffected).

right-click on a typical group marker and select set count from the context menu

After entering the 20, the Total Count for this Typical Group Marker is 20 (not 21) and there are 20 takeoff markers on the page. They are stacked so it may look like only one is there, but if you click on the stack and move one off, you will see the rest of the markers are still stacked in the original location.

after setting the count, all markers are stacked on top of each other

This image shows how the stacked markers can be moved and rearranged as needed...

you can pull markers from the stack to place them anywhere on the plan

click here to view the previous article Placing Typical Group Markers How Condition and Typical Group Results Change After Placing Typical Group Markers click here to view the next article

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