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On-Screen Takeoff - 08.05 Annotations - Shapes (Callouts, Arrows, Lines, Rectangles, Ovals, Polygons, Clouds, and Ink) - OST

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There are eight Shapes available for drawing Annotation including: Callouts, Arrows, Lines, Rectangles, Ovals, Polygons, Clouds, and Ink (Freehand).

Drawing Shapes

the shapes section of the On-Screen Takeoff annotations toolbar

To adjust line color or width before drawing a Shape Annotation, click the small downward facing arrow next to the button.

you can select the color of shape annotations you can select the line width (strength) of shape annotations

Defaults may be set under Tools > Options > Fonts and Colors (see Related Articles for more information on setting defaults for Annotation).

Once a Shape is drawn on the plan, you can adjusts its size and position by using the Selection Tool ALT TEXT and then adjusting the annotation as needed, see Related Articles for more information.

Shape Annotations retain the last color and line width used. For example, if you change the color and line width in Bid "A", then open Bid "B", when you select the same Annotation Shape, it is set to the last color/line width you selected.


the callout annotation button is a red box with a downward pointing arrow on its side

Click the Callout button, then click on the plan to set the starting point (where the arrow will point) and drag away from this spot to draw the callout box. Then, type in the message and adjust font as needed.

Callouts draw extra attention to something on the plan along with an explanation of why it is being emphasized


the arrow annotation button is a red arrow pointing up and to the right

Click the Arrow button, then click on the plan to set the starting point, click again to draw the ending point.

Arrows draw extra attention to something on the plan


the line annotation button is a red line

Click the Line button, then click on the plan to set the starting point, click again to draw the ending point.

line annotations can be used to indicate a break in a plan or to indicate a stopping point


the rectangle annotation button is a red box

Click the Rectangle button, then click on the plan to set the starting point, hold down the mouse button and drag to the ending point. Release the mouse button to complete the Annotation.

rectangle annotations draw extra attention to something on the plan


the oval annotation button is a red circle

Click the Oval button, then click on the plan to set the starting point, hold down the mouse button and drag to the ending point. Release the mouse button to complete the Annotation.

oval annotations can draw extra attention to something on the plan


the polygon annotation button is a red multipoint polygon shape

Click the (Polygon) button, then click on the plan to set the starting point, click on each corner (vertice) to set additional points and then double-click to complete the Annotation.

polygon annotations draw extra attention to something on the plan

Just like Area takeoff, you cannot draw an 'uncloseable' polygon or cross lines. If On-Screen Takeoff generates a 'thunk' sound, that indicates that the segment cannot be drawn or the polygon cannot be closed. Press ESC on your keyboard to back-up to a point where you have not crossed lines or drawn a polygon shape that cannot be 'closed'.


the cloud annotation button is a red box with a downward pointing arrow on its side

Click the Cloud button then click on the plan to set the starting point, click on each corner (vertice) to set additional points and then double-click to complete the Annotation.

clouds draw extra attention to something on the plan that has changed (additions or subtractions, usually)

Just like Area takeoff, you cannot draw an 'uncloseable' Cloud or cross lines. If On-Screen Takeoff generates a 'thunk' sound, that indicates that the segment cannot be drawn or the Cloud cannot be closed. Press ESC on your keyboard to back-up to a point where you have not crossed lines or drawn a Cloud shape that cannot be 'closed'.

Ink (Freehand)

the in annotation button looks like two red arcs next to each other

Click the Ink button then click on the plan to set the starting point, while holding down the mouse (or pressing a digitizer pen to the screen), draw or write whatever you want on the screen. Double-click to complete the Annotation.

freehand ink annotations draw extra attention to something on the plan

See Related Articles for information on editing Annotation after you draw it.

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