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On-Screen Takeoff - 09.03.01 Copying and Pasting Area Backouts - OST

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Copying and Pasting Backouts

Once you've drawn a backout, there may come occasion for you to reuse that backout somewhere else. On-Screen Takeoff makes it easy using Copy Backouts and Paste Backouts.

First, draw your backout, keep it selected after drawing it (notice the select boxes on each corner indicate the backout below is selected).

area takeoff object showing a backout

Now, right-click on the selected backout and choose Copy Backouts

area takeoff object showing the context menu when you right-click on a backout, copy option emphasized

Next, right-click near where you want to position the pasted backout (on this page or another page) and select Paste Backouts

right-click on an area takeoff object and select paste backout from the context menu

An outline of the backout is shown with the cursor at the center. This allows you to position the pasted backout precisely

a outline of the copied backout displays on over the takeoff object, normal click where you want it placed

To place the pasted backout, just click when the backout is positioned properly.

after you click, the backout is pasted and the condition's quantity updated accordingly

You can 'reuse' what you've already copied by right-clicking near subsequent locations and selecting Paste Backouts again.
Hold down the <Shift> the key to select multiple backouts to Copy/Paste more than one at a time.

Copying Backouts along with an Area Takeoff Object

If you want to copy a piece of area takeoff and its backouts, you must rope the takeoff object. You will see, when you rope a piece of area takeoff that includes backouts that all the objects have a yellow border, versus simply clicking on an area takeoff object and seeing the single-object selection handles.

Area object and Backouts selected
Area object and its Backouts selected

Area object without Backouts selected
Area object without Backouts selected

See Related Articles for more information on selecting takeoff objects.

click here to view the previous article Copying, Pasting, and Moving Takeoff Copying and Pasting Takeoff with Attachments click here to view the next article

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