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OST - 04.05 Image Tab - The Layers Window

Views: 814 Last Updated: 07/31/2023 08:33 am 0 Rating/ 1 Voters
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The Layers Window shows a list of all layers that exist in the current Bid. Layers are used to simplify the view in the Image Window when you've drawn a lot of takeoff, see Related Articles for details on setting up and using Layers.

"What are Layers?", you may be asking. See Related Articles at the bottom of this page - Layers are covered in detail in the next chapter.

By Default, the Layers Window is not turned on. 

Click the Layers buttonbutton on the View Toolbar to show it (see Related Articles for more information on the View Toolbar). 

The Layers Windows docks below the Conditions Window by default.

OST Image Tab Layers Window

You can undock the Layers Window, just like the Pan and the Conditions Window to make the most room for the Image Window.

Layers Window Toolbar

At the bottom of the Layers window is the Layers Window toolbar that allows you to add, delete, move, and show/hide all Layers.

OST Image Tab Layers Window toolbar

Button IconWhat it does/What it means...Function
Add Layers buttonAdd LayerInserts a new, blank row where you can name a new Layer.
Delete Layers buttonDelete LayerDeletes the selected Layer(s) if no Condition is assigned to them. 
Show all Layers buttonShow AllTurns on/shows all Layers. 
Hide all Layers buttonHide AllTurns off/hides all Layers.
Move Layer Up buttonMove Up Moves the selected Layer up one position in the Layers list (disabled if you select one of the system Layers or the topmost Custom Layer). 
Move Layer Down buttonMove Down Moves the selected Layer down one position in the Layers list (disabled if you select one of the system Layers or the bottommost Custom Layer). 

click here to view the previous article Conditions Window Context MenuAnnotation and View Window (2nd Image Window) click here to view the next article

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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