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On-Screen Takeoff - 04.04.02 Image Tab Conditions Window (Conditions List) Context Menus - OST

Views: 1210 Last Updated: 12/19/2024 02:15 pm 0 Rating/ Voters
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Context-menus appear when you right-click (or, more correctly, 'alternate-click' for all the Lefties out there) somewhere or on something. Depending on where the right-click occurs, different options are presented.

Options that appear only on a Context Menu are explained below (we will not 're-explain' copy, cut, paste, etc.).

The available options change depending on where the right-click occurs (on a Condition, on a Typical Group, in a blank-space, etc.)

On-Screen Takeoff Condition List context menu

Option What it does/How it is used...
New > Opens a sub-menu where you can select to add a new Condition, Typical Group, or Folder.
Insert Style Set Opens the Style Library and Sets dialog box where the user can choose one or more Style Sets to insert into the Bid.
Change Properties Opens the Condition Properties dialog box - also available by double-clicking the Condition or by highlighting the Condition and clicking the Edit button the edit button is a pencil.
Change Details Opens the Condition Details dialog box when Bid is in Interactive Mode.
Save to Style Library Saves the selected Condition(s) to the Style Library.
Save as New Style Set Saves the selected Condition(s) to the Style Library and creates a new Set containing those Styles.
Duplicate Duplicates the selected Condition and assigns new Condition Number and color - works with one or multiple Conditions.
Duplicate and Reassign Takeoff Duplicates the selected Condition and reassigns all the Condition's takeoff on the current Page to the duplicate - works with one or multiple Conditions. Only affects the takeoff on the current Page.
Set Layer > Opens a sub-menu where you can change the Layer to which the selected Condition(s) are assigned.
Set Type > Opens a sub-menu where you can change the Condition Type to which the selected Condition(s) are assigned.
Rename Renames the selected Condition, also available by clicking twice on the Condition name.
Select Objects Selects all of the takeoff objects for the selected Condition(s) on the current page.
Reassign Objects Reassigns any selected takeoff objects to the currently selected Condition (there is also a button on the Condition list toolbar that does the same thing).
Show Group Takeoff at Marker When you are using Typical Groups, you can show or hide the takeoff inside the Typical Group Frame at each Marker - this is a project-level setting and affects all Typical Groups.
Group by Type Groups the Conditions list by Condition Type - useful if the Bid contains a lot of Conditions.
Expand all Types When the Condition list is grouped by Type, expands all Condition Type groupings so all Conditions are visible (default).
Collapse All Types When the Condition list is grouped by Type, collapses all Condition Type groupings so all Conditions are hidden.
Expand all Folders Expands all Condition Folders so all Conditions are visible (default).
Collapse All Folders Collapses all Condition Folders so all Conditions are hidden.
Show Columns > Opens a sub-menu where you can show/hide the Condition Number, Height and Quantity 1, 2, or 3 columns.

click here to view the previous article Conditions Window Toolbar Layers Window click here to view the next article

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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