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On-Screen Takeoff - 03.11 Deleting and Restoring Bids, Alternates, and Change Orders - OST

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You can delete Bids, Alternates, and Change Orders to get rid of the stuff you don't need. When you delete a Bid, it is not immediately removed from the database - it is moved to the Deleted Bids folder (similar to the Recycle Bin in Windows).

Please note the following rules:

  • Deleting the bid moves the bid and all alternates and change orders to the Deleted Bids folder.
  • Deleting an alternate or a change order permanently deletes that child Bid - it is not moved to the "Deleted Bids" folder. When you delete a child bid on its own, it is gone for good.
  • You cannot restore alternates and change orders without restoring the base bid (there would be no place for it to go). However, when you restore a base bid, if it includes alternates and change orders, they are restored along with it (provided they were not deleted individually, of course).
  • If you delete a Bid and then delete the folder it resided in, you cannot "restore" that bid, but you can drag-and-drop it the active area of a database or another folder to get it out of the Delete Bids folder.


To delete a Bid, Bids, Alternates, or Change Orders, on the Bids Tab,

  • Right-click on the bid, alternate, or change order and choose Delete or,
  • Select the bid, alternate, or change order and click the Delete button the delete button is a red x or,
  • Select the bid, alternate, or change order and press the Delete key on your keyboard

On-Screen Takeoff prompts you to confirm when you delete bids

The delete verification prompt shows. Click "Do not show this message again." to suppress this confirmation dialog box in the future (not recommended because alternates and change orders are deleted permanently). Hiding the confirmation doesn't mean Base Bids will skip the "Deleted Bids" folder, you simply will not be prompted to confirm deletion in the future.

Click Yes, Yes to All, No, or Cancel in the Delete Confirmation dialog box.

The bid or bids, including all alternates and change orders, is moved to the Deleted Bids folder.

You can also manage bids on the Image Tab's "Bid View" panel - see Related Articles for details.

Emptying the Deleted Bids folder (Permanent Deletion)

  • Right-click on the Deleted Bids folder.
  • Select Empty Deleted Bids Folder.
  • Click Yes in the confirmation dialog to complete the action.

This permanently removes all bids in the "Deleted Bids" folder from the database and they can no longer be restored.

After emptying the Deleted Bids folder, it is a good idea to run a Compact and Repair on your database, see Related articles for more information on performing routine maintenance.

Restoring a Deleted Bid

When a bid is deleted, it (and all its alternates and change orders) can be restored from the Deleted Bids folder (assuming you have not "emptied" the Deleted Bids folder, that is).

To restore a Bid from the Deleted Bids folder,

  • Expand the Deleted Bids folder by clicking the small plus sign ALT TEXT
  • Locate the bid you want to restore from the Deleted Bids folder
  • Right-click it, then select Restore Bid from the Context Menu

The Bid is moved back to its original location.


If you delete a bid from a folder on the Bids Tab and then delete that Folder, you cannot Restore the Bid

On-Screen Takeoff error message that deleted bid cannot be restored

However, you can drag-n-drop the deleted bid back to the 'Active' (non-deleted) area of the Bids list.

click here to view the previous article Duplicating Bids Within the Same Database What are Alternates and Change Orders? click here to view the next article

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