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On-Screen Takeoff - 02.04 The Bids Tab - Bids Tab Context Menu - OST

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When you right-click on the Bids Tab, the Context Menu choices vary depending on whether the click occurs on a database, a Bid, a folder, an empty space, or on a deleted Bid (or the Deleted Bids folder).

OST Bids Tab context menu - right-click on database
Right-click occurs on a database

OST Bids Tab context menu - right-click on bid
Right-click occurs on a bid (or child bid)

Option What it does/How it is used...

On-Screen Takeoff multi-function new menu
  • Bid - Creates a new Bid.
  • Alternate - Creates a new Alternate for the selected Bid.
  • Change Order - Creates a new Change Order for the selected Bid.
  • Folder - Creates a new Folder where Bids can be placed. Bid folders allow a user to organize Bids by any particular criteria (great for shared SQL databases - each user can create a folder for his or her bids).
  • Database - creates a new Access or SQL database.
Open... Opens the Open Database dialog box, see Related Articles for more information on databases.
Close Closes the current database.
Import... Opens the Import dialog box for importing different files, see Related Articles for information on importing and exporting.

On-Screen Takeoff Bids Tab export menu
  • To Takeoff File - Creates a *.ost file (Takeoff file) - this can be imported into On-Screen Takeoff or some estimating programs. *.ost files do not include the image files
  • To Bid Package - Create a *.osp file - this Bid Package can include all plan images.
Properties Opens the Database Properties dialog box for the selected database.
Compact/Repair Runs the Compact and Repair routine on the selected database, see Related Articles for more information on database maintenance (including backup, below).
Backup Places a copy of the selected database in the "Backups" folder.
Duplicate Duplicates the highlight Bid(s).
Delete Deletes the highlighted Bid or Folder.
Rename Renames a selected Folder. To rename a Bid, open the Bid's Cover Sheet.
Renumber Conditions Renumbers the selected Bid's Conditions in their current sort order. It is best to do this from the Conditions Tab so you can see what is happening.
Change Job Status > Allows a user to change the Job Status for one or more Bids to any Job Status in the Masters. If a Bid is in DPC mode, it is Job Status cannot be changed from the Bids Tab.
Restore Bid Moves the selected Bid from the Deleted Bids folder back to its original location. If this Bid was stored in a Folder that has since been deleted, you cannot "Restore" the Bid, however you can drag-drop it out of the "Deleted Bids" folder to 'restore' it.
Empty Deleted Bids Folder Permanently removes all Bids from the database currently stored in the Deleted Bids folder.
Group by Job Status Groups the Bids Tab by each Bids' Job Status.
Expand/Collapse All Expands or Collapses all Bid folders

click here to view the previous article Grouping the Bid List by Job Status What are Projects, Bids, Jobs? click here to view the next article

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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