On-Screen Takeoff Release Notes (03/16/2020) - OST DPC
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Detailed Release Notes link: https://downloads.oncenter.com/Downloads/OST/release_notes/ost397_detailedreleasenotes.pdf On-Screen TakeoffFeatures- Set a Linear takeoff object to be a 3-point curve
- Added numerous Count Object Shapes so takeoff matches plans better
- Mark Pages as "Takeoff Complete" so the estimator knows which Pages require attention
Changes- Added an expander to the Count and Attachment Conditions Properties Shape drop-down lists (no more scrolling necessary)
Fixes- In some bids, using Duplicate and Reassign takeoff caused a Quick Bid Item's quantity to increase exponentially
- Intelligent curve mode sometimes locked to "on"
- Unable to duplicate bids when bids list is grouped by job status and bid numbers sorted from greatest to least (affects interactive bids only)
Known Issues- Bug 3070 - Typical Groups cause performance degradation as more markers are placed in a project.
- Sometimes, after duplicating a Condition, if the name is still in edit mode and you draw takeoff, the cursor will not follow your movements. Workaround: save changes to Condition name before drawing takeoff.
- Rotating a linear takeoff object that is set to "3-point curve" causes it to recalculate with slightly different results. This will be fixed in an upcoming version of OST 3.98.
- Area Backouts within a Zone are shown as "unassigned" negative values on the Takeoff Tab (Case # 02171995) ON-4441
Digital Production ControlNo Changes Upgrading from or may be wondering what we fixed in the original releases of 3.97: - Curved segment (with default set as Curved Segment) turns into straight segment when navigating to a different page then back to the page with segment
- Linear takeoff objects are set as "curved segment" after upgrade from 3.96 or older
- Importing a bid with linear takeoff from 3.96 to 3.97.00 shows linear takeoff set to curve
- After drawing a curved linear takeoff, upgrading OST then changing curved takeoff to 3-point curved segment displays as straight segment
- Typical Groups are bringing in takeoff objects from other Typical Groups
- When using SQL Databases, the filters are not showing in the Master Items screen
- Area Backouts within a Zone are shown as "unassigned" negative values on the Takeoff Tab (Case # 02171995) ON-4441