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QB - 12.05 Creating Custom Reports in Crystal Reports

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If your company owns Crystal Reports and employs a someone who is trained on using Crystal Reports, you can create customized reports that can pull information from your Quick Bid estimate. The information below includes the fields available and instructions for setting up the report files. 


On Center Software does not provide technical support or assistance with creating, editing, or installing Custom Reports. You are expected to provide the expertise necessary to create and support your own Custom Reports. For assistance with setting up and using Crystal Designer custom reports, contact a qualified professional familiar with writing/configuring Crystal Reports. On Center does not distribute or support Crystal Reports full-function software and is unable to assist with the setup, execution, or troubleshooting of custom reports.

Custom Report files are stored within the OCS Documents directory, by default:  C:\OCS Documents\Quick Bid\CustomReports.

Creating the Custom Report Files


  • Custom Reports must be created using Crystal Reports 9 or 10
  • Use "ADO" to connect to the Quick Bid database
  • Ensure that the report and configuration file names do not contain any spaces
  • Do not use a "Bid Selector" of any sort in the report - the report runs on the Current/Active Bid, just like any of the other reports included with Quick Bid

When you run the custom report, Quick Bid reconfigures the report’s ADO table connections to point to the active database (the database where the current Bid is stored).

Quick Bid also passes parameters to the custom report. These parameters may be any of the standard parameters or parameters defined as options in the Configuration File (ini).

Standard Report Parameters/Fields

IsCompanyHeader Boolean Internal
Bidding Company Fields
CompName String   
CompAddress String   
CompCity String   
CompState String   
CompZip String   
CompPhone String   
CompFax String   
Bid and Job Site Fields
BidUID Number UID of the selected Base Bid
BidNo String   
BidName String   
BidNotes String   
JobNo Number   
JobNumber String   
Estimator String   
JobClass String   
WageType String   
JobStatus String   
DateTime String   
PlanDate String   
Address String   
City String   
State String   
Zip String   
SiteContact String   
Phone String   
Fax String   
Country String   
HoursPerDay Number Accounts for Crew Size
IsAlternate Boolean Internal
Standard Report Options
IsIncludeAlternates Boolean "1" if the “Include accepted alternates” is checked; otherwise "0".
IsIncludeCOs Boolean "1" if the “Include accepted change orders” is checked; otherwise "0".
ShowNullZones Boolean Internal
PrintHeader Boolean Internal
SelectedSectionUIDs Number / Multiple Value The selected sections from the Report Dialog passed to the report as a multiple value number parameter. Use this list to select records using the Selection Expert.
SelectedSections String Comma separated list of section names selected from the Report Dialog
SelectedTypicalAreaUIDs Number / Multiple Value The selected typical areas from the Report Dialog passed to the report as a multiple value number parameter. Use this list to select records using the Selection Expert.
SelectedTypicalAreas String Comma separated list of typical area names selected from the Report Dialog
SelectedAreaUIDs Number / Multiple Value The selected areas from the Report Dialog passed to the report as a multiple value number parameter. Use this list to select records using the Selection Expert.
SelectedAreas String Comma separated list of area names selected from the Report Dialog

The Configuration File

Each custom report must be accompanied with a configuration file with an *.ini extension and must be placed in the Custom Reports Folder along with the report file (*.rpt). The configuration file must have at least two sections, General and Options.

General Section

This section provides Quick Bid with information about the report. Below are properties that must be included in the section.

DisplayName Name of the report as it is displayed on the Report Dialog
FileName File name of the Crystal Report (*.rpt)  (NO SPACES)
Description Long description of your report
Type Used to indicate what group to show the report under on the Report Dialog. Always “Custom Reports”
CLSID Internal
Sequence Used to sort reports when printing. Reports with lower sequence numbers print sooner than those with larger sequence numbers.
Enabled Always "1"
Visible Always "1"
ReportBase Internal

Example General Section

DisplayName=My Custom Report
Description=This report is a custom report
Type=Custom Reports
CLSID = custom_report
Sequence = 1
Enabled = 1
Visible = 1

Options Section

This section contains a numbered list of options for each report; each option must be accompanied by its own individual Option Section in the file.

Example Options Section

Option1= GroupBySection
Option2= GroupByArea
Option3= ShowDetailCond
Option4= QBHeader
Option5= ShowBidNotes

Individual Option Section

Individual Option Sections contain information about a specific option listed in the Options Section list. Quick Bid uses this information to display the option to the user on the Report Options Dialog.

DisplayName Name of the option displayed in the Report Settings Dialog.
OptionType Indicates what list to show the option in on the Report Settings Dialog
"0" = Group By, "1"=What To Show, "2"=Options
GroupName Unused
ParamType Data type of ParamName
ParamName Name of the parameter passed to your Crystal Report
Enabled Always 1

Example Individual Option Section

DisplayName = Group by Sections
OptionType = 0
GroupName = empty
ParamName = isGroupBySectionSuppressed
Enabled = 1

 Using Reports to Catch Mistakes (Bid Analysis)Distributing Your Custom Reports Files

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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