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Quick Bid - 08.01.01 Viewing Markup Detail for the Bid, by Section, or for the Bid and Alternates - QB

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Viewing Options for Markup Detail

When you open the Markups Tab, the "Details" section shows the Markups for the Base Bid (notice that the option "Select all Bid Sections" is checked).

At the top of the Markup Detail region (toward the center of the screen), there are two "View options":
  • Select all Bid sections - this option combines the Markups for all Sections used in the Bid then displays these cumulative values
  • Include accepted alternate sections - this option combines the Markups for the Base Bid and all Accepted Alternates (not Change Orders) then displays these cumulative values

Typically, though, when you are working with Markups, you will have neither of these selected so only one Bid Section is displayed at a time (for example, 09 20 00-Plaster and Gypsum Board).

Markups Tab with Section 092000 selected
Markup Detail for a Single Section

However, you can see amalgamated markups for all Sections used in a Bid one of two ways.

First, you can click the "Select all bid sections" checkbox in the lower panel, regardless of the Section selected in the View grid, you'll see the markups for all Sections in the current bid (Base Bid, Alternate, or Change Order).

Markups Tab with the option to select all bid sections checked
Markup Detail for All Bid Sections - Bid selected in grid

You can also view all sections by clicking on a Bid, Alternate, or Change Order in the View grid.

Markups Tab showing bid selected which automatically checks the Show All Sections box
Markup Detail for All Bid Sections - Section selected in grid and "Select All Bid Sections" checked

The Markup Detail Title Bar indicates whether a user is seeing a single Section's Markups (such as 09 20 00-Plaster and Gypsum Board in the example above) or All Bid Sections. It is vital that you are aware of which you're seeing and working with.

View Options Explained

Option/FieldWhat it does/How it is used...
Neither option checkedNormally, you will work in the Markups Tab with a single Bid Section at a time. The Title Bar displays the Bid Section in view.When you are viewing a single Section, the Indirect Expenses buttons (on the left) are active, which allows you to configure Indirect Expenses for the current Section.
Select all Bid sectionsWhen you check this box, the Markups Detail shows the combined totals for all Sections used in the Bid. The Indirect Expenses buttons (Stock, Clean, Supervision and Per Diem) are disabled if the Bid contains Accepted Alternates.


Selecting "All Bid Sections", and then opening up the Indirect Expenses window removes/erases all Indirect Expenses you already setup (this is called "overriding Indirect Expenses). The intention is that you want to set IE for your entire Bid, ignoring all "By Section" IE.

If you use this "Override" function, you must reconfigure all Indirect Expenses during the same session. All IE are erased when you open the Dialog Box, if you only setup "Stock" for example, Clean, Supervision, and Per Diem are left blank. You have to setup all four while the dialog box is open, or click Cancel and do not save any changes.

Include accepted alternate sectionsSelect Include accepted alternate sections to include pricing information for the Base Bid plus all Accepted Alternates. The Indirect Expenses buttons are disabled when this box is checked but "Select all Bid Sections" is not.
(Change Order are never included with Base Bid Markups.
Viewing All Sections and Accepted AlternatesInformation from all sections in the Base Bid and all Accepted Alternates is displayed. The Indirect Expenses buttons are enabled. (Same warning applies, see above).

click here to view the previous article Adding Bid MarkupsHow Does Quick Bid Calculate Straight vs. Gross Markups? click here to view the next article

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