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QB - 07.08 Condition Detail - Controls Toolbar

Views: 265 Last Updated: 11/07/2022 02:05 pm 0 Rating/ Voters
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The Condition Detail Controls, the buttons at the bottom of the Condition Detail screen, are used to add, edit, move, and delete Items within the Grid and provide other Condition navigation/management functions.

Next to the "move down" arrow button, you see the full Description of the currently selected line Item in the grid. This text shows the position and total number of Items in the condition detail (1 of 9). 

Button or Control Keyboard Shortcut Description, What it is for, What it does...
<F3> Opens the Bid item Detail for the highlighted Item (all Item Details can be edited, like material and labor pricing or calculation method or sizing). These changes only affect the Bid level Item although, if the user has sufficient rights, they may be prompted to update the Master Item.
<Insert> Inserts a new row for another Item in the Item Detail Grid.
<Delete> Deletes a highlighted Item(s) from the Item Detail Grid.
   Moves a highlighted Item up one row in the Item Detail Grid.
   Moves a highlighted item down one row in the Item Detail Grid.
<Ctrl> + <C> Copy selected Item(s).
<Ctrl> + <V> Paste selected Item(s).
   Opens the Condition Assembly List dialog which contains a library of Condition Assemblies (templates). From this dialog, an Assembly can be created or inserted into a Condition. See the articles that follow for more information on Condition Assemblies.
   Opens the Labor Adjust dialog where changes to Condition level labor production can be made for one or many Labor Cost Codes.
<Ctrl> + <P> See Related articles for more information on printing the Condition Detail Report.
<Ctrl> + <Page Down> Views the previous Condition's Detail.
<Ctrl> + <Page Up> Views the next Condition's Detail.
   Checking this box places a check mark next to the condition in the Conditions Tab indicating that the estimator has reviewed this Condition and all information accurate. Useful when training an apprentice and the Lead Estimator needs to double-check his or her work.
<Ctrl> + <Enter> Closes the Condition Detail dialog.

click here to view the previous article Condition Detail - Notes Condition Detail - Context Menu click here to view the next article

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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