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Quick Bid - 05.07.03 The Item Details Calculations Tab: Condition Detail Default Entries - QB

Views: 572 Last Updated: 10/31/2024 07:32 am 0 Rating/ Voters
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When you add an Item into a Condition, there are some fields that must be filled in. This section allows you to set Defaults for this Item which saves you time down-the-road.

Condition Detail Default Entries

These entries override the Condition's values for these fields, for this Item only. For example, if a Condition is a linear wall with a Height of 10 feet but the Item's default Height is set to 8' - when inserted into a Condition, the Item's height will be 8' instead of the Condition's 10' height. This affects the number of pieces one would need (let us say you can only get drywall panels in 8' high sections, even though your wall is 10' high, the Line Item needs to account for the fact that your Material is 8' - and you will need at least two pieces to finish the height of the wall).

Quick Bid Item Detail dialog box with Calculation tab open

These are default entries and can be changed after the Item is added to a Condition.

Field What it does/How it is used...
Section Assign a CSI section number that is most commonly associated with this Item - required field.
Lab. Cost Code Assign a Cost Code to which Labor for this Item is allocated - required field for Labor and Material and Labor Items.
Height Set a default height for the Item (when set to zero, the Item defaults to the Condition's Height.) Items set to Horizontal Installation Method do not use this value.
Repeat every Specify how often an object recurs along a vertical line based on height (for example, when installing drywall, drywall screws are used every vertical foot or so to attach the drywall to the studs - thus, the fastener (a drywall screw) repeats every 12"). Items set to Horizontal Installation Method do not repeat.
On Center (OC) Specify how often an object repeats at fixed horizontal intervals (such as wall studs). Items set to Continuous Installation Method do not use this value.
Rows/Layers Specify the default number of layers needed to build this Item (multiplier). For example, if you are building a wall, you might have two layers of drywall (one on each side) or one layer, if you are building an wall that is only finished on one side.

The fields marked with an Arrow, in the screenshot below, are those the ones affected by these defaults.

Quick Bid Item Defaults are used to prepopulate certain fields in the Condition Details Items grid

click here to view the previous article The Calculations tab: Formula Descriptions The Calculations tab: Installation Method click here to view the next article


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