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Quick Bid - 05.07.01 The Item Details Calculations Tab: Calculation Method - QB

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The Calculation Method determines what Condition Quantity you'll use and how it will be used to transform into a Item Quantity. You'll also specify Waste Factor in Calculation Method.

Calculation Method

Quick Bid Item Detail Calculation Tab

You need to specify which Condition quantity to use and select the basic formula used for calculating the Item detail's quantity (on the line where the Item is used within the Item Detail Grid, see Related articles for details). Waste factor accounts for the extra material necessary to finish construction (waste factor can be applied to Standard Formula and Quantity x Height methods only).

Field What it does/How it is used...
Use Condition (Quantity) Specify which Condition Quantity to use to calculate the Item's detail quantity. Quantity 1 is selected by default. Use the drop down arrow to change the selection.

Be aware, if an Item is set to calculate using a Quantity (Qty 1, 2, or 3), there must be some value (other "0") for that Quantity for Reports to generate properly, see Related Articles for more information on the Report Data Checker.
Method to Use

Standard Formula

Calculates the Item quantity by multiplying the specified Condition Quantity by the Item's Height, dividing by the OC, multiplying by Layers, then applying the Waste Factor. See Installation Method below for additional information.

Enter Direct Quantity

There are Material and Labor Items in which no formula can be written to calculate their quantity. This option causes the Item quantity to default to zero (flagged in red) when you add the Item to a Condition - you then enter a quantity manually. Once you enter a quantity, default settings that price Material and/or Labor are applied. Selecting this method disables Installation Method and the default settings for Height, OC, and Row/Layers. After you enter a value, Quick Bid 'remembers' the ratio of that value to the Condition Quantity specified and will adjust the Item Detail quantity proportionately if the Condition Quantity changes.

Default to Condition Quantity

Sets the Item Quantity equal to the selected Condition Quantity. Used for Items with UOM of "Each" when used on a "EA" (Count) Condition Qty.

Quantity x Height

Calculates the Item quantity by multiplying the Condition quantity by Height and Layers, and then factoring in Waste. You can only use the Quantity x Height method if the Item UOM is EA, IN, LF or LY.

When using On-Screen Takeoff to generate takeoff quantities, the Standard Formula cannot be used on a Count item.

Waste %

Item quantities calculated by the "Standard Formula" or "Quantity x Height" can include a Waste %. Waste is a percentage value applied to an Item that either increases or decreases the Item’s calculated quantity.

Applying Labor to Waste Quantity

Labor may be applied to Waste by selecting that option in a Bid's Cover Sheet. If you choose not to apply labor to Waste you may notice what seems like a calculation discrepancy in the Condition Detail. The quantity of the Item displayed in the grid includes Waste, but that row's Labor is based off the Item Detail quantity without Waste.

You set whether to apply Labor to Waste in the Cover Sheet, Preferences.

Waste may be applied with a whole or decimal value but must be a positive value.

The settings on the Calculation tab determine how the quantity is calculated for the Condition Detail Item Detail Grid "Qty" field. Review the demonstration database to see how different Items are set up - small changes on the Calculation tab can affect final quantities significantly. That Item Quantity can then be converted further to a Material Container (such as "gallon", or "roll", or "stud", etc.).

Remember, the goal of the Item Calculation is to take the survey measurement and convert it to a measurement more appropriate for the Material or Labor being valuated (something that can be ordered or built). Next, let's look at the Formulas Quick Bid uses to calculate Item Quantity.

click here to view the previous article Item Details - the Calculations tab Calculations tab: Formula Descriptions click here to view the next article


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