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Quick Bid - 02.02.02 Opening a Condition After Filtering the Conditions Tab by Area - QB

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When you view a Conditions Detail after filtering by Area (previous article) the Condition Detail dialog opens and displays quantities and pricing for amount assigned to that area only.

Only Area is affected because a Condition is assigned to one and only one Section and one and only one Type. However, a Condition can be assigned (allocated) to multiple Bid or Typical Areas and when you filter the Conditions Tab by an Area, the quantity shows only the amount in that Area.

Filtered Condition Detail

We will demonstrate on a very simple bid, just one Condition.

Let's start by looking at the Conditions Tab and the Condition's Detail without any filtering.

Quick Bid Conditions Tab - not filtered
Conditions Tab not filtered

Quick Bid Conditions Detail opened from an unfiltered Conditions Tab
Conditions Detail opened from unfiltered Conditions Tab

This Condition has Quantity assigned to several Bid Areas...

Quick Bid Condition showing the quantities assigned to multiple bid areas
Condition Detail showing the Bid Area assignment (MutliArea) dialog box

Now, we filter the Conditions Tab to an Area (in our case, we will filter to "Floor 2").

Quick Bid Conditions Tab filtered to the bid area named floor 2
Conditions Tab filtered to 'Floor 2' - not the quantities and cost

Our Condition Total and Quick Sum update to reflect the cost for this Condition for the Quantity in "Floor 1".

Now, when we open the Condition Detail...

Condition Detail opened from a filtered Conditions Tab shows the quantities in the filtered bid area only
Condition Detail after opening from a filtered Conditions Tab

After filtering the Condition List, the Condition Detail opens showing only the matching information (the Quantities are adjusted to reflect the Quantities assigned to the filtered Area/Typical Area).

Notice in the screenshot above, only 100 LF are shown. This allows you to see Unit Cost and Section Cost breakdown for each Bid Area.

Notice also that the "Assign Area Quantity" button is disabled - you cannot change anything about Condition Qty/Bid Areas when you open a Condition from a filtered Conditions Tab.

When you open a Condition Detail after filtering to a specific Area or Typical Area, the Area and Quantity fields in the Condition Detail reflect only what is assigned to the Area or Typical Area. These values cannot be changed when the Condition Detail is opened from a Filtered View.
When you open a Condition Detail after filtering to a specific Area or Typical Area, if you change production, Material or Labor costs, or Crew, select a different Size, or adjust the Calculations in the Item Detail Grid, the change is made to the entire Condition, not just these filtered values.

Review the Related articles for more information about using the Condition Detail dialog box.

click here to view the previous article Filtering The Conditions Tab Grouping The Conditions Tab by Type click here to view the next article

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