Use the filters at the top of the Condition list to find/view particular Conditions by Section, Area, and Type. Click on the arrow in the Filter Field, scroll to the selection and click on it - the Conditions List updates to show only those Conditions matching the selection.
Filtering by Section or Area
When you select a specific Section or Area from the drop-down, only those Conditions that have at least one Item included in that Section or Area are displayed. Each Condition's "Total" is adjusted to reflect the amount of that Condition assigned to the selected Section or Area. The Quick Sum is adjusted as well (notice the difference between the Quick Sum and the Bid Total (grey line)).
By Section...
From the Section filter drop-down, select a specific Section to which you want to filter.

The Condition Totals and the Quick Sum update to reflect the costs of the Items assigned to the selected Section.
By Area...
From the Area filter drop-down, select either an Area or a Typical Area.
- The Typical Areas folder lists all the Typical Areas used in a Bid
- The Areas folder lists all the Bid Areas used in a Bid

When an Areas or Typical Area is selected, the Conditions list only displays Conditions with some quantity in the selected Area. Under the Areas drop down, "All Areas" and "unassigned" are always listed.
When "unassigned" is selected, the Conditions List displays Conditions/quantities not assigned to specific Areas.
"All Areas" displays all Conditions (the default view of the Conditions Tab).
Filtering by Type
From the Type filter drop-down, select any Condition Type used in this bid.

You can also group the Conditions Tab by Type, we cover that in Related articles.