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CLS - Missing Root Certificate Causes Error When Licensing OST 3.92.01, 3.94.03, and 3.95 and QB 4.94.01, 4.96.03, and 4.97.03.

Views: 205 Last Updated: 02/13/2023 02:58 pm 0 Rating/ Voters
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After installing or upgrading to On-Screen Takeoff/Digital Production Control v.3.92.01, v3.94.03, or any version of 3.95 or Quick Bid 4.94.1, 4.96.3, or any version of 4.97, the license is not activated. 

You may receive an error that the server cannot be contacted, or the activation simply fails after the code is validated. Either could be a sign that your Windows installation is missing critical components required to license your software.


Some installations of Microsoft Windows are missing a "root certificate" that permits OST, DPC, and QB to contact the licensing servers. 

If you have installed all Windows Updates, you should not run into this problem. The only way these certificates are missing is if your IT department (or you, if you are skilled with Windows configuration) has deleted them from your computer and created a security policy preventing their reinstallation. (Even if they were deleted by accident, Windows usually re-installs them automatically during Windows Updates, unless prevented by security policy.)


To "open the door" for OST, DPC, and QB to connect to our licensing server, you will need to download and install the root certificate for "digicert" to allow the software to activate your license.

Review the Microsoft kbase article for more information: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3004394/support-for-urgent-trusted-root-updates-for-windows-root-certificate-p

Your IT department needs to adjust your Windows configuration to allow these certificates to be installed and to remain installed. 

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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