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Digital Production Control (DPC) is Behaving Oddly or Displaying Incorrect Values

Views: 128 Last Updated: 07/08/2024 02:48 pm 0 Rating/ Voters
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You are experiencing one or more of these symptoms.

  • Digital Production Control (DPC) is running very slow
  • Your Bid shows values that do not seem correct (maybe your % Complete for the job changes every time you look at the Bids Tab or you are seeing LCCs you know you've completed changing % complete values.
  • You are unable to send or receive DPC Changes


These symptoms are often indicative of a database in need of some housekeeping. Luckily, DPC includes a function called "Compact and Repair" that does this for you.


To run a Compact and Repair on your database:

  • Close DPC
  • Reopen DPC but do not activate any Bid (do not click on the Image, Budget, Timecard, Payroll Recap, or Notes Tabs)
  • Click File > Open - the Open Databases dialog box opens
  • Highlight your working database (it will have a checkmark in the box next to it - if there are multiple, repeat this process, one-at-a-time, for each open database)
  • Click the "Compact and Repair" button at the bottom of the dialog box - if this is the first time you've done this and your database has been in use for more than a few weeks, this might take several minutes to complete
It's a good idea to run a Compact and Repair on your database at least once a week. This keeps your database in tip-top shape and helps prevent errors. See Related Articles for more information on database maintenance.

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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