I Set All Takeoff to 100% Percent Complete in Digital Production Control but My Project does not show 100% Complete Overall - DPC
Views: 121 Last Updated: 07/30/2024 10:53 am |
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IssueIn Digital Production Control, you have set all your takeoff objects for all Cost Codes to 100%, but your Total % Complete is not 100%. DiscussionThe answer is "Indirect Expenses". Indirect Expenses are applied to Cost Codes automatically, but only get 'percented' as Time is entered on the Timecard Tab (labor is used). If you do not track labor expenses on the Timecard Tab, your project may never show Total 100% complete. 
This only applies to Indirect Expenses that use Labor Hours as Calculation method and Labor Cost as the result or use Duration for Supervision. (Material costs are ignored by Digital Production Control.) 