Quick Bid allows you to export the Job Budget file for import into Intuit QuickBooks™. Instructions for exporting are covered in the Quick Bid User Guide. This article is brief overview of how that export file is imported into QuickBooks. QuickBooks is neither provided by nor supported by On Center Software - for assistance using this product, contact Intuit.
Important Information
There are three items that must be setup prior to exporting the Job Budget from Quick Bid:
- The QuickBooks Customer Job Name has to match the Quick Bid Project name
- The account codes in Quick Bid must be in the QuickBooks Chart of Accounts, or the import will not work - QuickBooks ignores any entries in the export file that are not in its database already
- The import Date is important
This date specifies what fiscal year the budget is for. It defaults to today, but if you are intending it to be in the next year you need to specify it here - so that the money goes where you intended.
Note the "Export to File" location and file name - if you want to change it, click the browse button next to the field.
Importing the IIF file
Once the file is exported, import it in QuickBooks by selecting File > Utilities > Import > IIF Files.
In the Import window, browse to where you saved your Job Budget file, select it, and then click Open
After the file is imported, you will receive a confirmation
This creates a Set of Accounts in QuickBooks - for information on using this data, see your QuickBooks documentation.
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