The steps below explain how to change the Name or Company that shows when you click Help > About On-Screen Takeoff? without having to uninstall and then reinstall the program.
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3.92 Splash Screen | 3.96 Splash Screen |
The following steps require you to modify the Windows registry. Modifications to the Windows registry, if not done correctly, can cause serious problems to a Windows system. Please contact an IT Professional to assist you.
Close On-Screen Takeoff
Click Start > Run, type regedit in the field, and then click OK (see your Windows documentation on how to launch Registry Editor)
Browse to the following location in the Registry Editor:
Click Edit > Find and in the 'Find what:' text box, type your company name, exactly as it appears in the About splash screen (check the "Match whole string only" option).
Click Find Next
Keep hitting "Find Next" (or use the F3 to keep finding the next occurrence of the text) until you locate the On-Screen Takeoff entry that looks like this:
When you get to the registry keys that show "On-Screen Takeoff" as the "Display Name", locate the following registry keys:
Double-click each key and modify this key according to your needs.
When you are done, close the Registry Editor and launch On-Screen Takeoff product again.
This does not affect licensing or ownership in any way - this only changes what On-Screen
Takeoff displays on its "About" splash screen.