Quick Bid Release Notes (8/6/2015) - QB
Views: 290 Last Updated: 08/15/2024 02:31 pm |
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New Features
- Windows 10 compatible - enjoy using your new software on Microsoft’s latest version of Windows®! (See System Requirements)
- Allow a user to select which Items from a Supplier’s eQuote to accept - you can ‘cherry pick’ the exact Items you want to associate with a Supplier’s returned eQuote, even adjust the Supplier’s pricing if you like! (See User Guide for details)
- Condition Detail Report updated - you can now print in landscape orientation with Production (labor) or in portrait orientation without production.
- Update several Quick Bid reports per user feedback including the Job Cost Summary, Bid Summary, Purchasing, and Section Markups:
- Bid Summary can now be grouped by Condition Type
- You can now breakout Overhead and Profit separately from Conditions
- Material and Labor and Total Unit Price breakdowns available
- Job Cost Summary columns are now in same order as shown on Markups Details screen
- Display Crew and Manhours on the Section Markup Report
- Display a Grand Total on the Purchasing Report
- Add the Project Name to all Alternate/Change Order Reports
- Alternates and Change Orders are now sorted alphabetically rather than by the date they were created (sort order matches On-Screen Takeoff)
- Update Quick Bid to support manual Condition Results from exported ConstructConnect Takeoff file
- Add a Total Per Item column to the Supplier Webpage
- Synchronize database logins/passwords if user(s) does not exist in Destination database
- Match existing contact and estimator information when importing eQuotes and Bid Packages
Reference Number |
Description |
170254 |
Deleting the parent condition in an interactive removes the Attachment quantities from Quick Bid |
200851 |
Corrected dialog box message when deleting a Payroll class that is in use |
240320 |
When importing an eQuote, the program matches existing Contacts |
240320 |
Estimators passwords are written to Destination database (if they do not exist in Destination) when synchronizing databases |
240320 |
When importing Bid Packages, if the Estimator already exists (name, e-mail, and login match), no new Estimator is added to database |
12 |
After upgrading a database with eQuotes, the View details dialog shows Supplier pricing correctly |
Known Issues
- On some monitors, the new Condition Detail Report, when previewed in Landscape Mode, may cut off the far right columns. This is a display issue that does not affect printing or exporting the Report.
- Importing individual Armstrong Assembly files (*.qba) is not working in 4.95 - the work-around is to download the entire Armstrong database.
- eQuote sent from Quick Bid 4.94 will not show a proper "Per Item" extension price. This does NOT affect the eQuote in any way - the pricing is correct, only the Total Per Item price will display incorrectly on the page the Supplier uses to fill out pricing. Solution: upgrade to Quick Bid 4.95 and re-send the eQuote, although this is not necessary.