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Product End of Life Plan (aka Sunsetting Policy) for On-Screen Takeoff, Quick Bid, and Digital Production Control - DPC OST QB

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  • How long will ConstructConnect provide support for the version of On-Screen Takeoff, Quick Bid, or Digital Production Control I am using?
  • What happens if I haven't upgraded my software in a while?
  • On what versions of Windows does ConstructConnect support their products being installed/run?


ConstructConnect is committed to providing award-winning products and services. To that end, we must occasionally take an inventory of our products and versions to determine those that need to be retired (or ‘sunset’). We remain focused on current technology and advancing/improving our software, and that cannot be done if we continue to support outdated versions of our software. To help our clients understand which products are supported, we developed this Product Lifecycle guideline.

What can I do if the version I’m using is no longer support?

This depends on if you kept current with your Maintenance agreement with On Center Software.

  • If you have remained current with your Maintenance Subscription (and are using a supported Operating System), we have versions of our desktop products ready for you. Please contact Customer Success at 866-627-6246 for assistance upgrading to the latest versions.
  • If you have allowed your Maintenance Subscription to expire, your Maintenance contract's expiration date determines the highest version of the software for which you are eligible. Be advised, ConstructConnect may no longer distribute a version of your product that will work on the version of Windows you are using. Also, the version of the software for which you are eligible may not work on newer operating systems (for example, you cannot install some older versions on Windows 11 - the operating system wasn't around when those versions of our products were built/released and the installation won't work). You’ll need to discuss your options with Client Services at 866-627-6246.

How does this affect you?

Great question!

Will Windows or your ConstructConnect software simply 'stop' working on the date Microsoft ends Mainstream Support or Extended Support? No, of course, not. In fact, it is likely that nothing is going to change except that ConstructConnect will no longer be testing new releases against that operating system, nor will we register new ‘bugs’ that can only be reproduced on that operating system. We only provide very limited technical support for products running on operating systems not under “Mainstream” support with Microsoft (see below).

When Microsoft ends "Extended Support" for an operating system, they stop publishing security and OS updates. That puts anyone remaining on that OS at risk, and you need to migrate/upgrade to a supported Operating System. This likely means you will need new versions of your ConstructConnect products. If you are off-maintenance, or have been off maintenance for some time, you may be required to renew your maintenance subscription or even purchase new licenses. Contact Customer Success at 866-627-6246 to discuss your options.

Retired Product Versions (Exceptions)

On August 1, 2023, ConstructConnect is sunsetting the following versions:

  • On-Screen Takeoff/Digital Production Control 3.95 (all versions) and any version lower (3.94, 3.93, 3.92, etc.)
  • Quick Bid 4.97 (all versions) and any version lower (4.96, 4.95, etc.)

Retired Operating Systems

  • On January 9, 2018, Microsoft ended "Mainstream Support" for Windows 8.1, therefore ConstructConnect no longer tests new releases against that platform. In addition, as of January 10, 2023, Microsoft ended "Extended Support" for that platform, so we will no longer provide technical support for versions limited to that OS. Microsoft previously ended all support for Windows 8 (assuming users would upgrade to 8.1, for free).
  • On January 14, 2020, Microsoft ended support for Windows 7 (and Server 2008/S2008 R2). Any version limited to Windows 7 or earlier is no longer supported or distributed.

If your software version is no longer on support or has been pulled from distribution, please contact our Customer Success team at 866-627-6246 for information on migrating to a supported version of your software.

Upgrading Your Operating System

Any time you are upgrading your Operating System (from Windows 8 to 10 or Windows 10 to 11, etc.), please return all licenses and uninstall your ConstructConnect desktop applications before upgrading the OS. Windows does its best to migrate programs and settings but it is best practice to remove any business-critical programs (such as On-Screen Takeoff, Quick Bid, your Accounting software, etc.), then download and upgrade Windows (be sure to check for Windows Updates... even on a fresh install you'll be missing some), and finally install and license your ConstructConnect applications.

As a reminder, we regularly update our System Requirements, so it is important to check the latest System Requirements before installing any software, (see Related articles).

Products limited to "retired" versions of Windows

Microsoft has a two-stage End-of-Life plan for its products. First is the end of "Mainstream" support, typically approximate seven years after an operating system is launch; then the second is the end of "Extended" support, typically 3-5 years after Mainstream Support ends. See Related Articles, below, for a list of all supported versions and operating systems.

  • End of Mainstream Support: After Microsoft officially ends "Mainstream" support for an operating system, we no longer test new versions on that operating system (although, patches to versions limited to an operating system that is no longer under Mainstream Support may be issued and are then tested/supported on the OS in question). You can continue to use versions limited to an "expired" operating system, however we provide limited technical support for those product versions, typically restricted to licensing the product, providing download links, and providing basic troubleshooting assistance. Advanced technical support including defect reports, crash-troubleshooting, and installation issues are not available for products limited to running on any version of Windows that has fallen off "Mainstream" support with Microsoft.
  • End of Extended Support: After Microsoft officially ends "Extended" support for an operating system, we consider products limited to installation on that version of Windows (or earlier) retired (deprecated). Retired (deprecated) versions are no longer distributed (you will no longer be able to download them from our website) nor do we provide technical support for these versions (this includes licensing, installation (including product downloads), and any issues, concerns, defects, or feature requests). You must upgrade to a supported operating system and version of our software.

For information about Microsoft’s Product Support/Sunset policies, please visit: http://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle/

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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