A project can have several conditions that, when combined together, create a typical area like apartment units, hotel suites, townhouses, lobby areas, restrooms, etc. The Typical Area feature allows the estimator to assign a count for each typical unit within a building or project and only have to perform the takeoff for one unit. When properly entered, Quick Bid will split out your reports for each typical unit, floor, building, etc. or report a grand total for the bid.
Since a Condition Detail is restricted to just one height, you may consider tagging your Typical Areas with a height value. Example: Apt. 2B – 8-6” , Apt. 2B – 10-”. This will help you if your project has multiple deck heights or if specific wall types require separate conditions of each height of the same wall. Be mindful of the heights when entering these quantities. When this step is completed, Quick Bid will have a total count of each Typical Unit, a breakdown for each floor and subsequently, a total for each area.
To set up an estimate using Typical Areas, you must first set up Bid Areas. Note that you can have multiple Typical Areas for a given Bid Area.
To create Typical
Areas, from the Bid menu, select Show
Typical Areas or click on the Cover
Sheet. The Typical Areas dialog will appear.
Click and assign a name to your typical area in
the Typical Area dialog
that appears.
The Typical Area will appear in a column next to the Bid Area column.
You can then enter the number of times your Typical Area appears in each Bid Area.
One you're done, you can see how many times, total, each Typical Area repeats by reviewing the Multi-Area dialog box. The number in parentheses is total number of times that typical areas is used.
Also note, one you enter in quantities for the Typical Areas, they are extrapolated out to the full Condition Quantities.
The and
buttons are used to repeat counts down columns and across rows.
button will open the Bid Areas
button allows you to print the Typical
Area Report. A Print
Preview dialog appears. You will be able
to view the report, export it and/or print it.
button allows you to copy all the information in the Typical
Area dialog and Paste it into a spreadsheet.
all the columns will be highlighted in blue.
Open your spreadsheet program.
Select Edit > Paste. The copied information in the Typical Area dialog will now appear in this new spreadsheet for easy viewing and saving to a file for distribution.
All columns
will be selected when you click the button. You cannot
separate out different columns for copying and pasting into Excel.
Now that you know how to build your Conditions, it's time to start looking at ways you can tweak your bid. You've already learned how to setup and adjust Markups, now we're going to take a look at adjusting one of your biggest expenses... Production (Labor)!