From the
File menu, click New
> Bid or
Click the New icon drop down
and click Bid
Right-click anywhere in the Bids
window, and select New > Bid
or press the Insert key on your
When the Cover Sheet comes up, type the name of your bid in the Project Name field.
Click . Your new bid will appear in the Bid Navigator.
When you first create a Bid, the only field on the Cover Sheet that requires information is the Project Name field. There are other fields, however, that you may want to enter information into before you begin.
Follow these instructions to import an *.ost file into Quick Bid to create a bid.
From the File menu, click New > Bid from On-Screen Takeoff or
Click the New icon drop down and click Bid from On-Screen Takeoff or
Right-click anywhere in the Bids window and select New > Bid from On-Screen Takeoff.
The Create bid from On-Screen Takeoff dialog appears.
Choose the Access Method you want to retrieve your takeoff from.
Access current On-Screen Takeoff project is for On-Screen Takeoff 2.x series users. When using this option you must have On-Screen Takeoff running with the current project open before you create the bid.
Most users will use Load On-Screen Takeoff project from file, and Browse to the file location.
(Optional) Place a check in the Import zero-quantity conditions box. If checked, any conditions in On-Screen Takeoff that do not have any quantity in them, will still appear in Quick Bid.
(Optional) Place a check in the Create bid areas for unused areas box. If checked, any areas in On-Screen Takeoff that do not have takeoff quantities in them, will still appear in Quick Bid.
(Optional) Select a number that Quick Bid will Round Decimal Places To. Your On-Screen Takeoff project may show condition quantities with up to 4 decimal places. If you choose, you can change the number of decimal places that Quick Bid will accept. Quick Bid can also show all 4 decimal places or just one whole round number by selecting 0 decimal places. Your conditions quantities are displayed at the Conditions tab in Quick Bid.
From the Main menu, Bid > Update from On-Screen Takeoff. The Update bid from On-Screen Takeoff dialog appears.
Choose your Access Method and Options, then click .